[Sci-tech-public] EZRide Schedule for DNC week

Kris Kipp kipp at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 15 10:34:26 EDT 2004

>>Please find the EZRide Shuttle schedule for the Democratic National 
>>Convention week of Monday, July 26 - Friday, July 30, 2004 at the 
>>following link:
>>We have extended the hours of the EZRide service, kept the same 12 minute 
>>departure schedule, and shortened the EZRide route in response to the 
>>comprehensive transportation plan prepared by the Secret Service, City of 
>>Boston, Democratic National Committee, Boston 2004, Mass Highway and 
>>others.  EZRide will operate between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM in the morning, 
>>and between 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM in the afternoon
>>Security concerns arising from the Democratic National Convention at the 
>>Fleet Center have resulted in the diversion of all commuter rail traffic 
>>from North Station, and there are numerous road closures in the 
>>vicinity.  The EZRide stop at North Station is within the security 
>>perimeter of the Fleet Center.  Regrettably, we will be unable to access 
>>North Station to serve riders who live in the North End and Charles River 
>>Park during this week.
>>Likewise, the EZRide Lechmere stop will be closed during this week.  We 
>>anticipate that O'Brien Highway and Cambridge Street may have greater 
>>than usual traffic volumes during the road closures.  After careful 
>>consideration, we chose to run a shorter route with greater confidence 
>>that we could perform on time.   The next closest stop to Lechmere, First 
>>Street at Charles Street,  is one "mall-length", three short blocks, 
>>away.   (CambridgeSide Galleria will supply the air conditioning if the 
>>days are hot.)
>>All other stops will operate as usual.
>>Regular EZRide Service will resume on Monday morning, August 2, 2004.
>>Your responses to this service change are appreciated.
>>Jim Gascoigne
>>Executive Director
>>Charles River TMA
>>P  617-324-6119
>>F  617-258-6357
>>E  coin1 at mit.edu
>>W  www.masscommute.com/tmas/crtma
>Larry Brutti
>Operations Manager
>Parking and Transportation
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>77 Massachusetts Avenue, E32-105
>Cambridge, MA  02139
>Phone: 617-253-5142
>Fax:     617-258-6357
>URL:    http://web@mit.edu/parking

Kris Kipp
Project Manager
Program in Science, Technology, and Society
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Mass. Ave., E51-185
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-253-9759
Fax: 617-258-8118
Email: kipp at mit.edu 

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