[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: Fourth of July notice

Deb Fairchild dlfair at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 1 09:03:08 EDT 2004

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>X-Sender: crimbite at hesiod (Unverified)
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0.2
>Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 19:29:24 -0400
>To: dipaul at mit.edu, anneh at mit.edu, crime-alert at mit.edu
>From: Cheryl Vossmer <crimbite at MIT.EDU>
>Subject: Fourth of July notice
>X-Spam-Score: -4.9
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.42
>TO:                     The MIT Community
>FROM:           The Police at MIT
>DATE:           June 30, 2004
>RE:              4th of July - Safety Precaution
>                 Please be advised that this year's traditional fireworks 
> celebration on the Esplanade will be held Sunday night, July 4th, 
> 2004.  In view of the tremendous influx of crowds to the Cambridge/Boston 
> Charles River area for this celebration, we seek your cooperation with 
> the following:
>1)      In an effort to reduce thefts and increase safety, please secure 
>all office doors and accessible windows.  This will help to reduce the 
>chances of outsiders wandering into MIT buildings. Outsiders may try to 
>gain access due to the excellent view of the fireworks, convenience of 
>bathrooms or the opportunity to steal unlocked and unattended items - 
>computers, compact disc, digital cameras or the typical wallets and cash.
>2)      Please also be advised that Massachusetts General Law, Ch. 148 S. 
>39 - the simple possession or use of fireworks, or the selling or offering 
>for sale of fireworks is against the law.  A violation of this law shall 
>be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than 
>one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one year or 
>both. Additionally, the throwing or shooting of fireworks off the rooftops 
>is strictly prohibited. This practice may result in serious injuries to 
>people and property below, and rooftop
>          fires.
>3)      REMEMBER: There is a $50.00 fine for being on the rooftop of an 
>Academic building and a $500.00 fine for being on the rooftop of Building 54.
>                 Our best wishes for a happy and safe Fourth of July.  We 
> sincerely
>appreciate your cooperation on this festive occasion. For more information 
>on the best viewing sites of the fireworks see http://www.july4th.org/. 
>Note: this year there will be no sound towers on the Memorial Drive side 
>of the Charles River.
>Cheryl Vossmer                  Phone: (617) 253-9755
>Sergeant                                Fax:    (617) 253-8822
>Crime Prevention and Community Policing
>The Police at 
>MIT                                       http://web.mit.edu/cp/www/
>77 Massachusetts Ave., W31-215
>Cambridge, MA 02139

Deborah L. Fairchild
Administrative Officer
Program in Science, Technology and Society
dlfair at mit.edu
Phone:  (617) 253-4084
Fax:    (617) 258-8118 

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