[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: [Soyuz-List] CFP: Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: A Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Writing (September 23-25, 2005 Ann Arbor)

Hugh Gusterson guster at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 27 16:32:34 EST 2004

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>Reply-To: "Serguei Alex. Oushakine" <sao15 at columbia.edu>
>From: "Serguei Alex. Oushakine" <sao15 at columbia.edu>
>To: <sao15 at columbia.edu>
>Subject: [Soyuz-List] CFP: Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: A 
>Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Writing (September 23-25, 2005 Ann Arbor)
>Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 13:31:59 -0500
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>Call for Papers
>Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism:
>A Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Writing
>September 23-25, 2005
>The Gayle Morris Sweetland Writing Center invites proposals for papers
>or panels exploring the inter-related issues of originality, imitation,
>and plagiarism for students, scholars, professional writers, and
>Papers may address such issues as theories of invention;
>intellectual property; plagiarism and professional ethics; imitation and
>replication in science writing; the history of patents, trademarks and
>copyright; originality/imitation and authorship; cultural differences in
>regard to authority and invention; the ownership of texts and free
>textual use; academic plagiarism policies and student honor codes; peer
>tutoring and writing; cultural norms and differences; internet usage and
>publication; and other relevant issues.
>Speakers will include Anis Bawarshi, Charles Bazerman, Mario Biagioli,
>Nicholas Delbanco, Michael
>Grossberg, N. Katherine Hayles, Lawrence Lessig, Daniel Okrent,
>Jacqueline Jones Royster, Siva Vaidhyanathan, and Martha Woodmansee.
>Applicants should submit a one-page (300-word) proposal and one-page
>C.V. no later than 15 March 2005.  Those submitting a panel should
>include a cover sheet with the name and email of the contact person, as
>well as the names of participants.
>These materials should be sent as attachments to
>ConfSWC at umich.edu <mailto:ConfSWC at umich.edu>
>or by mail
>to Conference 2005, Sweetland Writing Center, University of Michigan,
>Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003.
>For further information see
>Dr. Caroline L. Eisner
>Associate Director
>Sweetland Writing Center
>1131 Angell Hall
>University of Michigan
>Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003
>Soyuz Website: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/soyuz/

Hugh Gusterson

Associate Professor of Anthropology & Science Studies
Anthropology Department
MIT, 16-247
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7270 (tel)
(617) 253-5363 (fax)
guster at mit.edu

website: http://mit.edu/anthropology/faculty_staff/gusterson/index.html

"no matter how cynical you get, it's impossible to keep up."  Lily Tomlin

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