[Sci-tech-public] Galison, Hershbach, Holton, and Schweber: Four Talks on Einstein

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 8 11:43:48 EST 2004

>Date: Wed,  8 Dec 2004 10:39:54 -0500
>From: Silvan Schweber <schweber at MIT.EDU>
>To: Debbie Meinbresse <meinbres at mit.edu>
>Dear Debbie,
>Could you sent the following announcement to the members of STS community.
>Many thanks
>Sam Schweber
>"The Changing Character of 20th Century Science" Seminar
>     "Einstein in the 21th Century"
>You are cordially invited to an informal presentation of four talks on 
>    Peter Galison
>    Dudley Hershbach
>    Gerald Holton
>    Sam Schweber
>that they will deliver in Berlin in January 2005 at a  conference sponsored by
>the Einstein Forum.
>Thursday, December 16, 12 noon.
>Place: Science Center 469, Harvard University
>Bring your lunch.
>Everett Mendelsohn
>Sam Schweber

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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