[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: Nanotechnology and Society Pre/Postdoc Position at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Rosalind H. Williams rhwill at MIT.EDU
Sun Dec 5 12:25:18 EST 2004

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>Subject: Nanotechnology and Society Pre/Postdoc Position at University of 
>Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 16:33:56 -0600
>Thread-Topic: Nanotechnology and Society Pre/Postdoc Position at 
>University of Wisconsin-Madison
>Thread-Index: AcTZiCzqwQEno6J7QCGMHpLQSdWiMA==
>From: "Miller, Clark" <Miller at Lafollette.wisc.edu>
>To: <mel27 at cornell.edu>, <rhwill at mit.edu>, <noreskes at ucsd.edu>,
>    <hessd at rpi.edu>, <jscarson at umich.edu>, <valerie at vt.edu>,
>    <daniel.sariewitz at asu.edu>, <p.macnaghten at lancaster.ac.uk>,
>    <sheila_jasanoff at harvard.edu>,
>    <steve.rayner at said-business-school.oxford.ac.uk>,
>    <james.wilsdon at demos.co.uk>, <CMody at chemheritage.org>, <rvld2 at cam.ac.uk>
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.42
>X-Spam-Score: -4.9
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>Please pass along the following announcement to STS graduate students and 
>postdocs who might be interested.
>Clark Miller
>Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center
>University of Wisconsin-Madison
>Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Research Positions Available in
>Nanotechnology and Society
>The Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center at the University of 
>Wisconsin-Madison is pleased to announce its 2005-06 Nanotechnology and 
>Society Research Competition.  Research positions are available for 
>predoctoral and postdoctoral research on nanotechnology and society during 
>the 2005-06 academic year.  During their appointment, researchers will be 
>expected to pursue research on the social, ethical, legal, historical, or 
>policy aspects of nanoscale science and engineering.  Major themes of 
>particular interest to the Center include:  the constitution and 
>configuration of communities around nanotechnologies; the societal 
>dimensions of nano-biotechnologies; and nanotechnology and security, 
>including issues of environment and health risks.
>Researchers will be expected to reside at the Center from September, 2004, 
>through June, 2005, and to participate in the Center's ongoing research 
>seminar and educational and outreach activities.  Predoctoral researchers 
>must be full-time graduate students in a Ph.D. program in science and 
>technology studies or closely related social science or history 
>field.  Postdoctoral researchers (Research Associates) must have completed 
>the requirements for the Ph.D. in science and technology studies or 
>closely related social science or history field prior to commencing their 
>work at UW-Madison.
>UW-Madison is located in a beautiful setting on the shores of Lake Mendota 
>in Madison, Wisconsin.  Researchers will be able to take advantage of 
>UW-Madison's extraordinary resources and facilities, including the 
>university's research libraries and the activities and programs of the 
>Robert and Jean Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies and the 
>Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs.
>Interested individuals should send a cover letter, CV, five page research 
>proposal, and three letters of reference to NSEC Nanotechnology and 
>Society Initiative, Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, 1225 
>Observatory Drive, Madison, WI, 53706. Applications will be accepted until 
>February 1, 2005, or until the positions are filled. For further 
>information, please see the website of the Nanotechnology and Society 
>or contact Clark Miller at the Robert M. La Follette School of Public 
>Affairs at the University of 
>Wisconsin-Madison:  miller at lafollette.wisc.edu 
><mailto:miller at lafollette.wisc.edu>.
>UW-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.  We 
>promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified 
>individuals to apply.

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