[Save] Melinda Moulton to Speak at CRE on Friday, April 2

Heather Theresa Clark hclark at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 30 13:57:04 EST 2004

SPRING 2004 SPEAKER SERIES presents Melinda Moulton.
{  for all series info see
or email elusive at mit.edu  }

Friday, April 2 at 12:00 

MIT's Center for Real Estate

Third Floor of 120 Massachusetts Avenue

Building W31 Room 301

For a map go to: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg

Melinda Moulton has been involved in environmentally and socially conscious
redevelopment since the early 1980s. She and her redevelopment partner, Lisa
Steele, created the innovative “team approach to design, development, and
construction” philosophy and produced in concept a 25-year incremental
redevelopment project for the Burlington Waterfront. Her role as redeveloper of
the Main Street Landing project includes supporting the arts and local culture,
providing incubator space for start-up local businesses, nurturing social
responsibility, and educating people about environmental and social conscience.
Moulton’s sustainable agenda of ecological integrity, economic security,
individual empowerment, and social well-being is recognized throughout the
country as the way of the future for design, development, and construction. 

Practicing the Elusive is a student-initiated and organized speaker series
co-sponsored by the Department of Architecture, the Department of Urban
Studies and Planning (DUSP), the DUSP Environmental Policy Group, the
Laboratory for Energy and the Environment, the Center for Real Estate, the
Harvard Real Estate Club, New Ecology, Inc., MIT's Graduate Student Council,
and the DUSP Student Council.

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