[Save] NE Climate & Enviro Calendar * 3/25 - 5/4/04

Michael Charney cambclimact at aol.com
Thu Mar 25 01:20:00 EST 2004

CAMBRIDGE CLIMATE CALENDAR     March 25 – May 4, 2004
 New England Climate, Enviro & Sustainability Events 

Editor’s Choice:
*3/25 Rally re: GWB & Admin Enviro Policies on Air, Water. Boston
*3/25 - NE Citizen Hearing on Power Plant Mercury Cleanup. Portsmouth, 
3/29,30 - Earth Inst. State of the Planet Conf. NYC
**4/3 - Toxics Action 2004 Annual Conf. Boston
4/3,4 N-Prof Funding, Finan. Mngmt & Marketing Wkshp. Keene, NH

4/7 - Disruption Climatic & Political, Dr George Woodwell. Camb 
4/12 - Sunlight is Life: Dawning of Solar Electric Architecture. Camb
*4/13 - Wind Energy – Community & Small Scale Projects. Boston
**4/14,15 CERES Conf: Critical Decisns for Lasting Prosperity. Boston
*4/25-27 Eating As Moral Act: Agrarianism to Consumerism. UNH

Action alerts: 
Demand EPA, FDA mercury actions re: fish & power plants.

*Priceless: On Knowing the Price of Everything & the Value of 
Nothing, Ackerman & Heinzerling (GDAE, Tufts). New Press ’04. 

*Institutional Investor Summit Report on Climate Risk
(CERES Conf) http://www.incr.com/summit_record.htm 

*RMI Launches Community Energy e-Tool: http://finder.rmi.org 

*AIR WAR -- Remaking Energy Policy; How Power Lobby Won 
Battle of Pollution Control at E.P.A. NYT 3/6 p. A1
At Feature at left at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 

>>  Scroll Down For Full Index, Detailed Listings & Resources

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Build the E-Movement ~ Tell friends about this Calendar!
Subscribe? blank email to: CambClimCal-subscribe at topica.com 
Link Websites to CCC: http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 
Submit Events: CambClimAct at aol.com  See website for guidelines.
Local Climate Activism: http://www.massclimateaction.org    

Please support CCC with a check payable to Commonwealth Foundation. 
Mail to: Michael Charney, PO Box 390554, Camb, MA 02139

INDEX   *  =  New      Scroll down below this Index for Detailed List
  Please visit event link to confirm listing is current & accurate.

MARCH 2004 

Tuesdays thru May 4
Thru 5/4  Course: Human Health & Global Envir Change. Boston

Tuesdays – May 25
Thru 5/25 Climate Change: Sci, Social Impact & Diplomacy. Camb 

March 25 & 27
3/25 – 27: Public Mtgs for Comment on VT Wind Develpmt. VT

March 24 - 25 
3/24-25 Globalcon 04: Energy, Power & Facility Mngmnt Conf. Boston

Thursdays, March 25
3/25 - Breast Cancer Truth & Consequences Conf. Waltham, MA
*3/25 Rally re: GWB & Admin Enviro Policies on Air, Water. Boston
3/25 - Heinrich & D/O events: it's the sea ice. Boston 
*3/25 Inferring terrestrial CO2 fluxes from C Cycle Data Assimilatn. 

*3/25 Public Hearing on Power Plant Mercury Cleanup. Portsmouth, NH
*3/25 - Walk Boston 14th Annual Meeting. Boston
3/25 - Allagash Wilderness Waterway at Risk. Freeport, ME
*3/25 Bringing Wild Ecosystem Processes to Agricultr. Northampton, MA

March 25 & 26
3/25,26 ‘Why’ of Conservation: Leadership Retreat. Westminster, MA

Friday, March 26 
*3/26 – Municipal Land-based Wind Workshop. West Yarmouth, MA
3/26 - Chronic N enrichment effects on forest soil microbes. Petersham, 
3/26 - Genetic Structure & Flow in Dispersing Bat Species. Nw Hvn, CT
*3/26 - Pest Control by the Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat in TX. Boston

March 26 & 27 
3/26,27 – Design & Integrated Develpmt Conf. Durham, NH

Saturday, March 27
3/27 – Home Ecological Solutions: "Urban Ark" Seminar & Tour. MA
*3/27 - Corporations, Breast Cancer & You. Middletown, CT

Sunday, March 28
*3/28 Wildlife Rehabilitatn & Conservatn Symposium. No Grafton, MA
3/28 - Home Ecological Solutions: "Urban Ark" Seminar & Tour. MA
*3/28 – Environmental Justice for All Communities. Brookline, MA
3/28 - Living on Earth: Enviro Radio. NPR, WBUR, WUMB, Web

March 28 - 31
3/28-31  Global Windpower 2004 Conf & Exhibtn. Chicago, IL

Monday, March 29
*3/29 - Sustainable Design Tools for Architects. Camb
*3/29 - Low Carbon Buildings in United Kingdom. Camb, MA
3/29 - Extra-tropical No Hemisphere land temp variability. Nw Hvn, CT

March 29 & 30
3/29,30 - Earth Inst. State of the Planet Conf. NYC
*3/29,30 - Building Green: Water Reuse in Site Design. Camb 

Tuesday, March 30
*3/30 - Corporate Wetlands Restoratn Partnership Reception. Boston
*3/30 - Adapting Your Practice for Green Design. Camb
*3/30 Lessons for Green Home Renovatn & New Constructn. Orleans, MA

*3/30 - 21st C India: Populatn, Econ & Human Develpmt. Camb
*3/30 Lessons: Green Home Renovatn & New Constructn. E. Falmouth, MA
3/30 Agricultr & Water: Climate Chge, & Plant Disease. Boston
3/30 - When Smoke Fell Like Water: Enviro Deceptns. Wds Hole, MA

March 30 & 31
*3/30,31 - Restoring Our Natural & Built Environments. Camb 

Wednesday, March 31
3/31 - Trading & Banking of Pollution Allowances. Waltham, MA
*3/31 Envelope & Structural Material Selectn in Sustainable Design. Camb 

*3/31 - The Landfill/Brownfield Golf Equation. Camb 
3/31 - Preformed Phosphate, Organic Pump & Atmos CO2. Camb 

3/31 - Earthscope: A "telescope" looking at & in the Earth. Camb   
*3/31 - Tufts Inst of Envir 1st  Enviro Alumni Event. Medford, MA
*3/31 - Cambridge Tree Protection Ordinance Hearing. Camb
*3/31 What Govt Initiatives Will Drive Enviro Business? Waltham, MA
*3/31 - Healthy High Performance Schools. Woodbridge, CT

March 31 & April 1
*3/31 - 4/1 Creating Wetland Parks: Enviro Mngmt & Ecotourism. Camb

APRIL 2004

Thursday, April 1
4/1 - Ecological Economics. Middlebury, VT
*4/1 - Constraining Regional Cloud Feedbacks in Climate Models. Camb

April 1 & 2
*4/1,2 Golf Course Envir Consideratn & Cost-Effective Constructn. Camb
*4/1,2 - Achieving High-Performance Buildings. Camb
*4/1,2 - Native Plants & Landscape Restoration. Camb

April 1-3
*4/1-3 Population Assn of America 2004 Ann Mtg. Boston

Friday, April 2
*4/2 - Building Sustainable Communities. Camb
4/2 - Forest history as guide to mangmt in Amazon. Petersham, MA
4/2 Calibrating Reconstructn of Oceanic Anoxic Event II. Nw Hvn, CT

April 2-4
4/2-4 Southeast Student Renewable Energy Conf. Chapel Hill, NC

Saturday, April 3
4/3 - Toxics Action 2004 Annual Conf. Boston 
*4/3 - Ponds: Beauty or the Beast? Jamaica Plain, Boston
*4/3 - Alewife Reservatn Uplands Wildlife Tour. Arlington, MA
*4/3 - Mystic 2010: Research Supporting Watershed Goals. Medford, MA
4/3 Sierra Club Coastal & Marine Habitat & Wildlife Cmte Mtg. Boston

April 3 & 4
4/3,4 N-Prof Funding, Finan. Mngmt & Marketing Wkshp. Keene, NH

*Sunday, April 4
*4/4 - Globalization: Fair vs. Free Trade (Symposm). Camb

Tuesday, April 6
4/6 - Climate Change Backpack Training for Educators. Rye, NH
4/6 – Threats to Coral Reefs & Forests. Boston
*4/6 – Geography of an Obligation. Camb
*4/6 - Saving Venice from High Tides: Case for Mobile Gates. Camb 
*4/6 - Somerville Climate Action Mtg. Somerville, MA

Wednesday, April 7
*4/7 - Advancing Sustainability of Built Envir at Devens. Camb 
4/7 - Forward model of mid-ocean tides & tidal dissipatn. Camb
*4/7 - Cars, the Environment, & Consumerism. Medford, MA
4/7 Spatial Distribtn of Air Q Imprvmt w Clean Air Amendmt. Camb
4/7 - Kendall Memorial Lecture, Dr George Woodwell. Camb 
4/7 - EcoSalon: E2 N.E. Reception & Legislative Update. Camb

Thursday, April 8
*4/8 – Role of Enviro, Health & Safety Manager. Waltham, MA
4/8 - Market Monitors: An Innovatn in Electricity Regulatn. Camb
4/8 – Engineers & Sustainable Development. Middlebury, VT
*4/8 Surface fluxes, ocean coupling in tropical oscillatn. Camb
*4/8 - Beyond the Rat Race: Redesigning Competition. Medford, MA

Friday, April 9
4/9 - Metal Cycling Through Plankton Communities. New Haven, CT
*4/9 – Est. Health Benefits from Powerplant Pollution Control. Boston 

April 9 - 11
*4/9-11  Healing Self, Healing Earth Retreat. Coventry, RI

Monday, April 12
4/12  C residence: Tropical, temperate & boreal forests. Nw Hvn, CT
*4/12 Conservatn Med: Humans, Animals, & Ecosystems. Medford, MA
*4/12 - Can Global Warming Induce a Permanent El Nino? Camb 
4/12 - Sunlight is Life: Dawning of Solar Electric Architecture. Camb

Tuesday, April 13 
*4/13 - Wind Energy – Community & Small Scale Projects. Boston
4/13 Meet the Scientists: Climate change for educators. Providence, RI
4/13 – Envir Genomics, Envir Restoratn & Energy Harvesting. Camb
4/13 – Sustainable Fisheries; Sustainable Agriculture. Boston
4/13 – Antebellum Crusade for Municipal Water in Boston. Boston 

April 13-15
4/13-15  Earth Technologies Forum. Washington, DC

Wednesday, April 14
4/14 - Green Hotels & Green Mtgs Training Workshop. Boston

April 14 & 15
4/14,15 CERES Conf: Critical Decisions for Lasting Prosperity. Boston

Thursday, April 15
4/15 – Greening Community Development. Middlebury, VT
*4/15 - Cost of Dirty Air on Agricultr & Health in China. Camb
*4/15 - Energy from the Sea: Some Anecdotes & Issues. Camb 

Friday, April 16
4/16 - Emerging Disinfection By-Products in Wastewater. Nw Hvn, CT
4/16 - Early Modern Times & Creation of Rural Landscape. Camb 
*4/16 - Human Rights & Colombian Coal in Salem. Camb

April 16 & 17
*4/16,17 - Harvard International Development Conf. Camb 
*4/16,17 - 2nd Annual Urban Agriculture Conf. Bosotn 

Sunday, April 18
4/18 - Earth Day Religious Service w Roger S. Gottlieb. Carlisle, MA

April 18 - 30
4/18-30 Youth Summit on Sustainable Development. NYC

Monday, April 19
4/19 - New York State Earth Day Lobby Day. Albany,
4/19 - Community-based social marketing workshp. Baltimore, MD
4/19 - Earle Williams (MIT). Topic: TBA. New Haven, CT
4/19 - Can Global Warming induce a Permanent El Nino? Camb 

April  19 - 22
4/19-22 - Nat’l Enviro Assistance Summit. Baltimore, MD

Tuesday, April 20
4/20 – Ecosystems & Solutns for Preserving Global Envir. Boston
4/20 - Can Birders Change the World? Camb

April 20-23
4/20-23  Global Warming Int’l Conf & Expo (GWXV). San Francisco, CA

Wednesday, April 21
4/21 - Sustainomics, Climate Change & Sustainable Develpmt. Camb
4/21 Does Hazardous Waste Matter? Housing, Superfnd Evidence. Camb

Thursday, April 22
4/22 - Earth Day 2004  
*4/22 - Clean Water Act Jurisdiction: NEWEA Seminar. Westford, MA
4/22 – Change & American Cities: Lessons from New Haven. Camb 
4/22 - Litigation as Regulation in Public Health. Camb 
4/22 –  20th c Climate Change in New England & NY. Middlebury, VT
*4/22 - Harbor Porpoises in Boston Harbor & Mystic River. Everett, MA

Friday, April 23
4/23 - Careers For Today & Tomorrow. NYC
4/23 Elevated atmospheric CO2 & forest succession. Petersham, MA
4/23 Vertical Look at Biodiversity & Ecosystem Functning. Nw Hvn, CT

Sunday, April 25
4/25 - Organic Landscaping. Camb

April 25 - 27 
4/25-27 Eating As Moral Act: Agrarianism to Consumerism. UNH

Monday, April 26
4/26 – Atmos O2 in last decade: Implicatns for C Cycle. Nw Hvn, CT

Tuesday, April 27
4/27 –  Solutions to Global Enviro Degradation. Boston

Wednesday, April 28
4/28 - Climate Change Backpack Training for Educators. Worcester, MA
4/28 - Sustainable Urban Mobility. Camb 

Thursday, April 29
4/29 – Writing Write “The Nature Notebooks.” Middlebury, VT
*4/29 Regnl climate chng frm alterd atmosph circulatn & chem. Camb
*4/29 Conservatn in Asia: Protecting the Last Wild Places on Earth. Camb

Friday, April 30
4/30 Testing concept’l models of watershed acidificatn. Petersham, MA
4/30 - Boat Cruise to Wind Turbine in Hull, MA

April 30 & May 1
4/30 - Pathways to Sustainable Future - Sustainable Energy Conf. ME

MAY 2004
Saturday, May 1 
5/1 - Parks Action Resource Ctr (PARC) Forum. Charlestown, MA
*5/1 - Sustainability & Our Environment. Medford, MA

May 2 - 5
5/2-5 Solid Waste/Recycling Conf & Trade Show. Bolton Landing, NY
5/2-5  Xth Ann Nat’l Clean Cities Conf (Alt Fuel Vehicles). FL

Monday, May 3
5/3 - Climate Change Backpack Training for Educators. Newport, RI

May 4-6
5/4-6  EnviroExpo 2004. Boston

For events after 5/4, see Beyond at left at 

MARCH 2004

MON thru MAY 24
The Path to Sustainable Development, Robert Pojasek, PhD.
Harvard Ext Schl course ENVR E-105, 5:30-7:30 pm, Sever Hall 
Rm 102, Harvard Yard, Camb/Internet. Info: rpojasek at sprynet.com 
http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre105  781-641-2422

TUES, thru MAY 25
Global Climate Change: Science, Social Impact & Diplomacy of a 
World Enviro Crisis. 7:30 - 9:30 pm, Harvard Ext Schl Course ENVR 
- E-130, Harvard Yard, Camb & Internet.  Profs Wm Moomaw & 
Timothy Weiskel. Credit or audit. Info/Syllabus/Resources: 
http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre130  Tim at EcoEthics.Net 

MAR 24 - 25 
Globalcon 04: Energy, Power & Facility Mngmnt Strategies & Techn 
Conf. Hynes Conventn Ctr, Boston. Also, seminars on HVACs, Boiler 
Perf, Bldg Commissioning, Buying & Selling Energy, Distributed 
Generatn & Onsite CHP. Info: http://www.globalconevent.com
Complimentary expo ticket: http://www.aeevshow.com/pass.htm 

Breast Cancer Truth & Consequences Conf. Panels: Truth – 
Exploring Realities of Breast Cancer; & Consequences – 
Challenging Today's Breast Cancer Culture.  2 - 6:30 pm, 
Bentley College, Wilder Pavilion, Waltham, MA. 
Info: http://www.hurricanevoices.org/truth   617-928-3300

Rally re: GWB & Admin Enviro Policies on Air, Water. 
Outside 5:30 pm Bush fundraiser in Boston. Assemble 3:15 - 3:30 pm,
at Boylston T Stop (at Boylston & Tremont Sts); if joining later, 
go toOne Columbus Ave, Boston. Craft signs in blue, ie. "Another 
Voter for Clean Air & Water" & wear blue T shirts.  Vol to make 
signs: 2 pm, Sierra Club Office, 100 Boylston St, Suite 760. 
Info: jeremy.marin at sierraclub.org, 617-423-5775.
Bush Admin Enviro record: http://www.sierraclub.org/wwatch 

Heinrich & D/O events: It's the sea ice, Eli Tziperman 
(Harvard). 4 pm, Stone Sci Bldg, 675 Commonwealth Ave, 
STO Rm B36, Boston. MBTA: Green B Line - BU East stop. 
Info: http://www.bu.edu/es/colloquia 
Map: http://www.bu.edu/maps > adjacent to Bldg 23

Inferring terrestrial CO2 fluxes from a global-scale Carbon Cycle Data 
Assimilation System (CCDAS) Marko Sholze (MPI for Meteorology). 
4 – 5 pm, MIT, Bldg 54 - Rm 915, via 21 Ames St, Camb 	
Info: http://web.mit.edu/elkeh/www/MASSSeminars.html 
Dir: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 	

Walk Boston 14th Annual Meeting. 5:30 - 8 pm, Hale & Dorr LLP, 
60 State St, Boston. Spkrs: Steve Burrington, Dep Sec, MA Office 
Comm Develpmt; Dan Burden (Dir, Walkable Communities, Inc).
RSVP/Info: 617-367-9255, info at walkboston.org Dir: Orange 
or Blue Line to State St; Green Line to Govt Ctr Statns.
Info: http://www.walkboston.org 

NE Citizen Hearing on Power Plant Mercury Cleanup. All may testify.
6-9 pm. The Community Campus, 100 Campus Dr, Portsmouth, NH 
Dir: http://www.communitycampus.org/map
Info: http://action.nwf.org/campaign/mercury20040210/explanation 

To submit written comments:
Fax - include name & address - to: 617.253.7402, re: Docket ID No.    
US Mail: Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Docket
Center (EPA/DC), Air & Radiation Docket &Information Center, 6102T,
1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20460, Attention 
Docket ID No. OAR-2002-0056.
Email original or endorsed comments via NWF: 

Allagash Wilderness Waterway! Nat'l Treasure at Risk, Tim 
Caverly (Dir., ME PEER), 6:30 pm, 9 Bow St, Freeport, ME 
(nr L.L.Bean). Info:  207-723-4656, mepeer at peer.org  

Necessity & Now the Possibility of Bringing Wild Ecosystem
Processes to Agriculture, Wes Jackson (Land Inst, Salina, KA). 7 pm, 
Seelye Hall, Rm106, Smith College, Northampton, MA. Info: 413-
585-3951, jmcmulli at email.smith.edu Dir: http://www.smith.edu/map  

MAR 25 & 26
The ‘Why’ of Conservation: A Reflective Leadership Retreat,
Wachusett Village, Westminster, MA. For resource conservatn 
& community preservatn conservationists (Pre-regstr only, 
space lim). Info/Regstr: 978-537-4458 x315; afreeman at ttor.org 

MAR 25 & 27
Shall VT state lands be used to support wind energy development?
8 Public mtgs to solicit comment. VT Agency of Natural Resources. 
  3/25: 6:30-9 pm, Town Hall, Hancock, VT
  3/27: 9:30 am - noon, Ralston Purina Bldg., St Johnsbury, VT
Info/Written comments by 3/31: anrwindpolicy at adamantaccord.com, 
802-241-3682, http://www.vermontwindpolicy.org 

*FRI, MAR 26
Municipal Land-based Wind Workshop: Getting Plugged In. 
8:30 am - 1 pm, Cape Cod and Islands Assn of Realtors Conf Center,
22 Mid-Tech Dr, West Yarmouth, MA. Presentatns by: N-Star, Hull 
Municipal Light District, & Mass. Renewable Energy Trust.
Info: http://www.waquoitbayreserve.org/news.htm 
joan.muller at state.ma.us, 508-457-0495 x 107
Dir: http://www.cciaor.com/conference.htm 

Chronic nitrogen enrichment affects the structure & function of 
soil microbial community in temperate hardwood & pine forests, 
Serita Frey (UNH). 11 am, Harvard Forest, Seminar rm, Shaler 
Hall, Petersham, MA Info/Dir: http://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu 

Amy Russell, (Post doc). The Lords of the Wings: Population 
Genetic Structure & Gene Flow in a Widely Dispersing Bat 
Species. Noon, Rm 110, Envir Sci Ctr, 21 Sachem St, Yale U, 
New Haven, CT Info: http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar

*FRI, MAR 26
Valuing Nature's Services: Pest Control by the Brazilian Free-
Tailed Bat in So Central Texas Agriculture, Prof Cutler Cleveland 
(BU/CEES). 4 pm, Stone Sci Bldg, 675 Commonwealth Ave, 4th flr, 
STO Rm 453, Boston. MBTA: Green B Line - BU East stop. Info: 

MAR 26 & 27
2nd  Ann Integrated Design & Integrated Develpmt Conf 
(IDID). Keynote: Pliny Fisk; LEED Training; Wkshps. 
Holloway Commons, UNH, 75 Main St, Durham, NH
Info: http://www.aianh.org/action/idid.shtml 
Map: http://www.unh.edu/wsbe/placement/hollowaymap.jpg 

Ecological Solutions for the Home: "Urban Ark"  Seminar & 
Tour, David & Elva Del Porto. 10 am – Noon. MA Loc on RSVP. 
Spons. Green Decade  Coalition/Newton. By reservation:  
617-969-5927, http://www.greendecade.org 

*SAT, MAR 27
Corporations, Breast Cancer & You, Barbara Brenner (Exec Dir, 
Breast Cancer Action, SF). 2 – 4 pm, Wesleyan U, Exley Science 
Center, Middletown, CT. RSVP/Info: 860-233-7623, 
Reservations at toxicsaction.org, http://www.bcaction.org

*SUN, MAR 28
Wildlife Rehabilitation & Conservation: Tufts Veterinary Schl 
Ann Wildlife Symposm:. Keynote: Dr Charles Sedgwick. 8:15 am – 
4:30 pm, Tufts Veterinary School Campus, North Grafton, Wildlife
Medicine Bldg, 200 Westboro Rd, North Grafton, MA. $5-$15. 
Dir: http://www.tufts.edu/vet/about/location.html 

Ecological Solutions for the Home: "Urban Ark"  Seminar & 
Tour, David & Elva Del Porto.. 1 – 3 pm,  MA Loc on RSVP. 
Spons. Green Decade  Coalition/Newton. By reservation:  
617-969-5927, http://www.greendecade.org 

*SUN, MAR 28 
Environmental Justice for All Communities: Confronting Power 
& Demanding Change, : Klare Allen (Roxbury Environmental
Empowerment Project) & Eugene Benson (Staff Attny, ACE).
5-7 pm, Temple Ohabei Shalom, 1187 Beacon St, Brookline, MA.
Pls bring potluck dessert.$5. Spons: Jewish Alliance for Law & 
Social Action. RSVP/Info: 617-742-1836, cindy at jalsa.org  

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 
91.9 fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm 
Newburyport, & WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: 
WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  
http://www.wumb.org  Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

MAR 28 - 31
Global Windpower 2004 Conf & Exhibitn. Chicago, IL
Info: http://www.awea.org/global04.html 

*MON, MAR 29
Sustainable Design Tools for Architects, Prof Leon Glicksman.
12:30 – 2 pm, MIT, AVT, Bldg 7 – Rm 431, Camb
Info: 617-253-0463, http://events.mit.edu/scripts/event.pl?71717 
Dir http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=7&Buildings=go 

*MON, MAR 29
Low Carbon Buildings in United Kingdom: Making Today's
Bldgs Meet Tomorrow's Standards: Panel: Mark Bamforth, (Sr VP 
Corp Operatns, Genzyme); Rob Pratt (Dir, MRET); Rick Mattila  
(Dir, Envir Affairs, Genzyme). 12:30 – 4 pm, Genzyme Center – 
Lecture Hall, 500 Kendall St Camb. Limited seating; Register only
if will surely attend.at: http://www.ebcne.org/meetings.htm  Dir: 

Extra-tropical No Hemisphere land temperature variability over 
past 1000 yrs, Edward Cook (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory).
2-3:30 pm, Rm 102, Kline Geol Lab, 210 Whitney Ave, Yale U, 
New Haven, CT. Info:  http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar 

MAR 29 & 30
State of the Planet Conf. Earth Inst. Columbia U, NYC
Info: http://www.earth.columbia.edu

*MAR 29-30
Building Green: Water Reuse in Site Design. 9 am - 5 pm, Harvard Grad 
Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy St, Camb $$$ Info: 617-384-7214 
execed at gsd.harvard.edu http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/execed 

*TUE, MAR 30
Corporate Wetlands Restoration Partnership (CWRP) Presentatns & 
Receptn.  8 am - 9:30 am, Foley Hoag LLP, World Trade Ctr West, 
155 Seaport Blvd, Boston. Spkrs: MA DEP Commsnr Bob Golledge; 
James Stergois (Undersec Policy MA EOEA); & reps frm EPA & 
Coastal America agencies. RSVP by 3/25/Info: 617-287-5568, 
susan.redlich at umb.edu, http://www.coastalamerica.gov/text/cwrp.html 
Dir: http://www.fhe.com/office.asp?oid=4 

*TUE, MAR 30
Adapting Your Practice for Green Design. 9 am - 5 pm, Harvard 
Grad Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy St, Camb $$$ 
Info: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/execed 

Agricultr & Water: Climate Change, Agricultr & Plant Disease,
Cynthia Rosenzweig, PhD, NASA Goddard Inst & Columbia Earth 
Inst; TBA  2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, Bldg C, Harvard Med Schl, Boston. 
Public audit by arr. Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

*TUE, MAR 30
Cape Cod Case Study: Lessons Learned for Renovation & New 
Construction, w architect, contractor & renewable energy 
Consultant for a recent East Falmouth home “green renovation.”
3-5 pm, Snow Library, 67 Main St, Orleans, MA Info: 508-
457-0495 x107  http://www.waquoitbayreserve.org/news.htm 
Dir: http://www.snowlibrary.org 

*TUE, MAR 30
21st Century India: Population, Economy & Human Development. 10 am
- 4:30 pm, Harvard CPDS, 9 Bow St, Camb. Invite,RSVP required/Info: 
apande at hsph.harvard.edu http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hcpds 
Map: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hcpds/directions.html 

*TUE, MAR 30
Cape Cod Case Study: Lessons Learned for Renovation & New 
Construction, w architect, contractor & renewable energy 
Consultant for a recent East Falmouth home “green renovation.”
7-9 pm, Waquoit Bay Reserve Visitor Ctr, 149 Waquoit Hwy, 
Waquoit/East Falmouth, MA. Info: 508-457-0495 x107.
Dir: http://www.waquoitbayreserve.org/vc.htm 

When Smoke Fell Like Water: Tales of Envir Deceptn & Battle 
Against Pollutn, Devra Davis (auth). 7:30 pm, Marine Biological 
Lab, Lillie Auditorm, Woods Hole, MA. Info: 
Dir: http://www.mbl.edu/inside/visit/directions/index.html 

*MAR 30 & 31
Restoring Our Natural & Built Environments: The New Growth
Frontier for Communities, Developers, Investors, & AEC Firms.
9 am - 5 pm, Harvard Grad Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy 
St, Camb $$$ Info: 617-384-7214 execed at gsd.harvard.edu 

Market Driven Approaches to Environmental Protection:  
Trading & Banking of Pollution Allowances Seminar
7:30 am – Noon, DoubleTree Guest Suites, 550 Winter St,
Waltham, MA $95/145. Info: http://www.ebcne.org/meetings.htm  
Dir: http://www.dtgs.com 

*WED, MAR 31
Envelope & Structural Material Selection in Sustainable Design
9 am - 5 pm, Harvard Grad Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy 
St, Camb $$$ Info: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/execed 

*WED, MAR 31
The Landfill/Brownfield Golf Equation. 9 am - 5 pm, Harvard Grad 
Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy St, Camb $$$ Info: 617-384-
7214, execed at gsd.harvard.edu http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/execed

Preformed Phosphate, Organic Pump & Atmospheric CO2: 
A new theory for efficiency of biological pumps in oceans,
Taka Ito (MIT). 12:10 - 1 pm, MIT Bldg 54 – Rm 915, via 
Ames St, Camb. Info: http://www.mit.edu/~phuybers/sack.html  
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 

Earthscope: A "telescope" looking at & in the Earth, MIT  Prof. 
Thomas Herring. 3 – 4 pm, MIT Bldg 37 – Rm 212, 70 Vassar St, 
Camb. Info: http://events.mit.edu/scripts/event.pl?70284  
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=37&Buildings=go 

*WED, MAR 31
Making the Connection: Tufts U & the Environment, Tufts 
Inst of Envir 1st  Enviro Alumni Event. Spkrs: Pres. Lawrence S. 
Bacow, Wm Moomaw (TIE), & Lucy Edmondson (UEP '92; US 
EPA, Regn 1). 6 - 9 pm, Alumnae Lounge, Aidekman Arts 
Center, Talbot Ave, Tufts U, Medford, MA Info: tie at tufts.edu 
http://www.tufts.edu/tie/getting_involved/events.html Dir: 

*WED, MAR 31
Cambridge Tree Protection Ordinance Hearing. Camb
6 pm, City Hall, Central Sq, Camb, MA
Info: carmean2 at yahoo.com   

*WED, MAR 31      [New rescheduled date]
What Government Initiatives Will Drive Enviro Business in 
Future? Ira Leighton (Dep Regnl Admin US EPA). EBC March 
EBC Mtg. 6 pm, Networking Recptn; 7 pm, Dinner & Spkr; 
DoubleTree Guest Suites, 550 Winter St, Waltham, MA 
$55-70. Info/Dir: http://www.ebcne.org/meetings.htm 

*WED, MAR 31
Healthy High Performance Schools: An Innovative Model for 21st 
Century & Beyond, Claire Barnett (Healthy Schls Network, NY).
7 - 9:15 pm, Jewish Community Center of Grtr New Haven,
360 Amity Rd, Woodbridge, CT. RSVP recommended/Info: 
203-426-2954, http://www.toxicsaction.org/eventsCT2.htm 
http://www.healthyschools.org http://www.jccnh.org/info4.htm 

*MAR 31 & APR 1
Creating Wetland Parks: Environmental Management & Ecotourism
9 am - 5 pm, Harvard Grad Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy 
St, Camb $$$ Info: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/execed 

APRIL 2004

Ecological Economics: Reintegrating study of humans & 
rest of nature to create a sustainable & desirable future, 
Econ Prof Robert Costanza (U Vermont). 12:15 – 1:20 pm, 
Bicentennial Hall Rm 216, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT  
Info/Dir:  http://www.middlebury.edu/depts/es/events/woodin_series   

Approaches for Using Observations to Constrain Regional 
Cloud Feedbacks in Climate Models, Anthony Del Genio (GISS). 
4 – 5 pm, MIT Bldg 54 - Rm 915, via 21 Ames St, Camb. 
Info: http://web.mit.edu/elkeh/www/MASSSeminars.html 
Dir: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 	

*APR 1 & 2
Golf Course Enviro Consideratn & Cost-Effective Constructn.
9 am - 5 pm, Harvard Grad Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy 
St, Camb $$$ Info: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/execed 

*APR 1 & 2
Achieving High-Performance Buildings thru Whole Bldg Systems 
9 am - 5 pm, Harvard Grad Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy 
St, Camb $$$ Info: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/execed 

*APR 1-2
Native Plants & Landscape Restoration. 9 am - 5 pm, Harvard 
Grad Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy St, Camb $$$ 
Info: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/execed 

*APR 1-3
Population Association of America 2004 Annual Meeting.
Sheraton Boston Hotel, 39 Dalton St, Back Bay, Boston Info:  
http://www.popassoc.org/meetings.html  info at popassoc.org 

Building Sustainable Communities. Spkr: Wm Shutkin, 9 am 
- 5 pm, Harvard Grad Schl of Design, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy 
St, Camb $$$ Info: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/execed 

Forest history as a guide to mangmt in the Bolivian Amazon, Francis 
Jack Putz  (U Florida). 11 am, Harvard Forest, Seminar rm, Shaler 
Hall, Petersham, MA Info/Dir: http://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu 

Cenomanian/Turonian Orbital Chronologies & Burial Flux 
Estimates: Calibrating the Biogeochemical Reconstruction of 
Oceanic Anoxic Event II, Stephen Meyer (Postdoc Fellow). 
Noon, Rm 110, Envir Sci Ctr, 21 Sachem St, Yale U, New 
Haven, CT Info: http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar

APR 2-4
Southeast Student Renewable Energy Conf.  Chapel Hill, NC 
Info: http://www.duke.edu/web/env_alliance/conference 

Toxics Action 2004 Annual Conf . 8 am - 7 pm, Wentworth Inst of Techn, 
Huntington Ave Campus, Boston. Keynotes: Prof Sheldon Krimsky 
(Tufts U; auth: “Science in the Private Interest”). Spkrs: Prof Sheldon 
Krimsky (Tufts; author Denny Larson (Nat’l Refinery Reform Prgrm). 
40+ Wkshps to fight toxic pollution; Skill bldg re: media coverage, 
webpage design, using tech reports & grant writing.  $35. Info: 
http://www.toxicsaction.org  http://www.tufts.edu/~skrimsky/books.htm
MBTA Green “E” Line: MA College Art or MFA stops. Dir: 
* SAT, APR 3
Ponds: Beauty or the Beast? John Deering (Conn. College Arboretum). 
9  am - Noon, Hunnewell Bldg, Arnold Arboretum, 125 Arborway, 
Jamaica Plain, MA. $30/$40. Regstr/Info: 617-524-1718, x160, 

Alewife Reservation Uplands Wildlife Walking Tour, 
Dave Brown (wildlife specialist). 10 – 1 pm, Acorn Park Dr, 
Open space parking lot, Arlington, MA  Info/Dir: 

Mystic 2010: Research Supporting Watershed Goals. 12:30 pm – 
4:30 pm, Tufts U, Anderson Hall, 200 College Ave (at Boston Ave), 
Medford, MA. $10. RSVP/Info: 617-627-3076, julie at mysticriver.org  
Dir/Map: http://www.tufts.edu/source/maps/medford 

Sierra Club New Coastal & Marine Habitat & Wildlife Cmte Mtg. 
11 am – 1 pm, Sierra Club Office, 100 Boylston St #760, Boston. 
Info: http://www.sierraclubmass.org/events/events.html#special

APR 3 & 4
Funding, Finan. Mngmt & Marketing Wkshp Training Wkshp for 
Enviro & Social Justice Non-Profit Staff, Andy Robinson [auth: 
Grassrts Grants, Selling Social Chng (w/o Selling Out)]. 9 am – 
4:30 pm, Antioch NE Campus, Keene, NH. Spons: Enviro 
Advocacy & Org Prgrm, Antioch NE Grad Schl. Free. Info/Registr 
Req: andyfund at earthlink.net, 802-479-7365, 603-357-3122,
steven_chase at antiochne.edu, http://esdept.antiochne.edu/advocacy 

Globalization: Fair vs. Free Trade. 11:30 am  - 5 pm, MIT Sloan Schl 
of Mngmt, Bldg E52, 50 Memorial Dr, Camb. Regstr free but limited. 
Registr/Info: globalization at startingbloc.org, 
http://www.startingbloc.org/sustainable_capitalism.htm Dir: 

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 
91.9 fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm 
Newburyport, & WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: 
WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  
http://www.wumb.org  Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

Climate Change Backpack Training – Tool Kit for educators,
science center & nature interpreters to teach about climate change. 
9:30 am -3:30 pm, Seacoast Science Ctr, 570 Ocean Blvd. Rye, NH
Free. Lunch $7. Pls RSVP by 3/30; Info: janderson at neaq.org, 
617-973-0256, http://www.nescc.info/programs.php#backpack 
Dir: http://www.seacentr.org/directions.html 

Coral Reefs & Forests: Threats to Coral Reefs: Potential Impacts 
for Human Health, Raymond Hayes, PhD, Howard U College of Med; 
What Constitutes a Healthy Forest? Wm Schlesinger, PhD, Duke.
2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, Bldg C, Harvard Med Schl, Boston. 
Public audit by arr. Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

Geography of an Obligation: To create a sustainable world, Dr John 
Francis (PlanetLines). 4 – 5 pm, MIT Bldg 4 - Rm 237, 182 Memorial 
Dr, Camb. Info: lyssia at mit.edu, 617.253.1509, http://www.planetwalk.org 
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=4&Buildings=go

Saving Venice from High Tides: Case for Mobile Gates, Profs 
Donald Harleman & Rafael Bras (MIT Dept. Civil & Environmental 
Engineering). 7 pm, Wong Auditrm, Tang Cntr Bldg E51 - Rm 115,
2 Amherst  St, Camb Rcptn – 6pm. Info: 617-452-3022, 
http://ceemeng.mit.edu/Freeman_Lecture_2004.html Dir: 

Somerville Climate Action Mtg. 7 - 9 pm, Tufts Admin Bldg, 
169 Holland Ave, Somerville, MA. New members welcome.
Info: 617-776-0503, lori.segall at state.ma.us 
Dir: http://www.tufts.edu/source/maptab.html 

EcoStar: Advancing Sustainability of Built Envir at Devens.
Peter Lowitt (Dir, Devens Enterprise Commissn). Noon – 
1:30 pm, MIT, Bldg E40 - Room 498, 1 Amherst St, Camb  
Info: http://web.mit.edu/sfgs/speakers  elusive at mit.edu  
http://www.devensec.com/sustain.html, http://www.londonderry.org 
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=E40&Buildings=go 

A forward model of mid-ocean tides & tidal dissipatn: Present & 
Past, Brian Arbic  (GFDL). 12:10 - 1 pm, MIT Bldg 54 – Rm 915, 
via Ames St, Camb. Info:  http://www.mit.edu/~phuybers/sack.html  
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 

Cars, the Environment, & Consumerism, Mary Nickerson &Jaycie
 Chitwood-Mason ( Toyota Corporation’s Advanced Technologies Grp).
2:15 pm, Coolidge Rm, Ballou Hall, 1 The Green, Tufts Campus, 
Medford, MA Info: http://www.tufts.edu/tci > Events
Dir: http://www.tufts.edu/source/maps/medford/zoom.php?fid=m029 

Spatial Distributn of Air Quality Improvements Under Clean Air 
Act Amendments, Wayne Gray (Clark U), Cynthia Morgan (US EPA), 
& Ronald Shadbegian (UMass). 4-5:30 pm, Rm L332, Littauer Bldg, 
79 JFK St, Camb.  Envir econ & policy seminar. Papers at website. 
Info: http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~ec2690hf   617-496-8054

Disruption Climatic & Political - Towards a World that Works,
Henry Kendall Memorial Lecture, Dr. George Woodwell (Woods 
Hole Resrch Ctr). 5 - 6 pm, MIT Bldg 10 - Rm 250, via 
77 Mass Ave, Camb.  Info: esinfo at mit.edu, http://web.mit.edu/esi
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=10&Buildings=go

EcoSalon: Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) New England 
Receptn & Legislative Update  Karen Wayland (NRDC Legisl 
Dir).  6 - 8 pm, Charles Hotel, Camb. E2 members & guests. 
Info: yli at nrdc.org, http://www.nrdc.org/e2 

Evolving Role of Environmental, Health & Safety Manager in 2004.
Spkrs: Peter Schneider (BU);  Robert Burgess (Tufts NEMC); John 
Craynon (GE). 8 - 10  am, DoubleTree Guest Suites, 550 Winter St, 
Waltham, MA $30-$90. Info: http://www.ebcne.org/meetings.htm   
Dir: http://www.dtgs.com 

Market Monitors: An Institutional Innovatn in Electricity Regulatn
Joseph Bowring (PJM Market Monitoring Unit). Noon -1:30 pm, 
Bell Hall, 5th Flr, Belfer Bldg, KSG, 79 JFK St, Camb. 
RSVP/Info: http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/cbg/rpp/seminars.htm 
617-384-8319, rpp at ksg.harvard.edu 
Sustainable Development- Getting Engineers to Listen, Linda 
Morse (Nat Sustainable Develpmt Prgm Mngr, CH2M HILL).  
12:15 – 1:20 pm, Bicentennial Hall Rm 216, Middlebury 
College, Middlebury, VT  Info/Dir: 

Surface fluxes & ocean coupling in  tropical intraseasonal 
oscillation, Adam Sobel (Columbia). 
4 – 5 pm, MIT Bldg 54 – Rm 915, via 21 Ames St, Camb. 
Info: http://web.mit.edu/elkeh/www/MASSSeminars.html 
Dir: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go

Beyond the Rat Race: Redesigning Competition; GDAE’s 4th 
Annual Leontief Economics Prize Award Ceremony. Honorees 
Robert Frank of Cornell U & Nancy Folbre (UMass, Amherst). 
5 - 7:30 pm, Coolidge Rm, Ballou Hall, 1 The Green, Tufts 
Campus, Medford, MA. Reception follows. 
Info: http://www.ase.tufts.edu/gdae/highlights/brown_bag.html 
Dir: http://www.tufts.edu/source/maps/medford/zoom.php?fid=m029 

Metal Cycling Through Plankton Communities: A Single-Cell 
Approach, Benjamin Twining ( Postdoc Fellow, YSF&ES). 
Noon, Rm 110, Envir Sci Ctr, 21 Sachem St, Yale U, New 
Haven, CT Info: http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar

Estimating Magnitude & Distributn of Health Benefits from Power
plant Pollution Control, Jonathan Levy (HSPH).  4 pm, Stone Sci 
Bldg, 675 Commonwealth Ave, 4th flr, STO Rm 453, Boston. MBTA: 
Green B Line - BU East stop. Info: http://www.bu.edu/cees/resources

*APR 9 - 11
Healing Self, Healing Earth Retreat. Facilitators: Bill Pfeiffer ( 
Earth Network) & Cathy Pedevillano. Apeiron Inst for Environmental 
Living, 451 Hammet Rd, Coventry, RI. $150 - $225. 
Info: http://www.apeiron.org/program_events_April04.htm

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 
91.9 fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm 
Newburyport, & WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: 
WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  
http://www.wumb.org  Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

*MON, APR 12
Conservation Medicine: Focusing on Health Relationships Betwn
Humans, Animals, & Ecosystems, Dr. Mark Pokras, (Dir, Tufts U 
Wildlife Clinic). Noon, Tufts Inst of Envir, Crane Rm, Paige Hall, 
12 Upper Campus Rd, Medford Campus, Medford, MA 
Info: http://www.tufts.edu/tie 
Dir: http://www.tufts.edu/source/maps/medford/zoom.php?fid=m027 

Residence time of carbon in tropical, temperate & boreal forests: 
Limits on sequestration, Susan Trumbore, UC- Irvine.2-3:30 pm, 
Rm 102, Kline Geol Lab, 210 Whitney Ave, Yale U, New Haven, 
CT. Info:  http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar 

*MON, APR 12
Can Global Warming Induce a Permanent El Nino? (Ice Age 
Records provide an answer). George Philander (Princeton).
4 pm, Harvard U, Haller Hall, 24 Oxford St, (Recptn 5 pm, 
Hoffman Laboratory, 4th flr). Info: 
Map: http://www.map.harvard.edu 

Sunlight is Life: Dawning of Solar Electric Architecture, 
Steven Strong (Pres, Solar Design Assoc). 4-6 pm, MIT 
Bldg 34 - Rm 101, 50 Vassar St, Camb. Info: jwadams at mit.edu 
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/bin/map?locate=bldg_34 

*TUE, APR 13
Wind Energy – Community & Small Scale Projects; EBC Brkfst Mtg.
7:30 - 10:30 am, Grand Ballrm, Marriott Long Wharf, 296 State St, 
Boston. Spkrs: Greg Watson & Steve Weisman (MA Technology 
Collab); Dwayne Breger (Mass Div Energy Resources); John Macleod 
(Hull Municipal Light); Arnold Wallenstein, Esq; Carol Wasserman, 
ESS Grp. Spons: Environmental Business Council of NE. Fee. Info: 
617-489-8555, ebc at ebcne.org, http://www.ebcne.org/meetings.htm 

Meet the Scientists – Climate change presentatns by researchers 
for educators. 10am - 4 pm, Brown Univ, Providence, RI
Program includes: N.E. Land-use & carbon cycle; Paleo-climate
Lessons from oceans; Corporate role in climate negotiations; Role
of informal education; green tour of Brown U. Space limited;
register by 4/2; Free, $7 for lunch.  Spons: NE Sci Cntr Collab &
Brown U. Info/Registr: janderson at neaq.org, 617-973-0256.

Cleaning up w. Genomics: Applying Environmental Genome 
Sequencing & In Silico Biology to Enviro Restoratn & Energy 
Harvesting, Microbiology Prof Derek Lovley (U Mass).
Noon – 1 pm, MIT 68 – Rm 181, 
 esinfo at mit.edu, http://web.mit.edu/esi 

Food & Envir: Sustainable Fisheries, Carl Safina, PhD, Blue 
Ocean Inst; Sustainable Agricult, Fred Kirschenmann, PhD 
Kirschenmann Family Farms. 2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, 
Bldg C, Harv Med Schl, Boston. Public audit by arr. 
Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

TUE, APR 13   
Nature of Water: Antebellum Reform & Crusade for Municipal 
Water in Boston, Michael Rawson (U Wisc), Comment: Clay 
McShane (Northeastern). Envir History Seminar. 5:15 pm, 
Mass Historical Soc, 1154 Boylston St, Boston.  T: Green, 
Hynes CC Stop. Paper avail. in adv. Info: svose at masshist.org, 
617-646-0518, http://www.masshist.org/events 

APR 13 - 15
Earth Technologies Forum: Climate change & stratospheric 
ozone. Washington, DC Info: http://www.earthforum.com  

Green Hotels Initiative & Green Meetings Training Wkshp.
10:30 am - 4:30 pm, Boston Hyatt Regency, Financial District,
1 Ave de Lafayette, Boston. Fee discount by 2/13. Info: Mtgs: 
boyle at ceres.org ; Hotels: sangwan at ceres.org  http://www.ceres.org 

APR 14 & 15
CERES 2004 Conf: Critical Decisions for Lasting Prosperity.
Re: Sustainability, corporate mngmt & governance, & investor 
responsibility. Keynote: Jeremy Rifkin (auth: Hydrogen Economy). 
Hyatt Regency Hotel,  Financial Distr., 1 Ave De Lafayette, Boston. 
Re: Climate & energy risk & opportunity for business, impacts & 
policy, corp. enviro disclosure, Global Reporting Initiative, etc. Info/
Agenda: http://www.ceres.org 617-247-0700 x19, carroll at ceres.org 
Institutional Investor Summit Report on Climate Risk

Greening Community Development: A View from the Field, 
Wm Shutkin, (MIT, New Ecology, Inc). 12:15 – 1:20 pm, 
Bicentennial Hall Rm 216, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT  
Info/Dir:  http://www.middlebury.edu/depts/es/events/woodin_series 

Cost of Dirty Air: Using Atmospheric Modeling to Quantify the
Impact of Air Pollution on Agriculture & Human Health in China
Prof Denise Mauzerall (Princeton). 4 pm, Maxwell Dworkin Hall, 
Rm 119, 33 Oxford St, Camb Dir: http://map.harvard.edu > 
Law School Info: http://environment.harvard.edu/?&pw=1004 

Energy from the Sea: Some Anecdotes & Issues, Chris Garrett (U 
Victoria). 4 – 5 pm, MIT, Bldg 54 - Rm 915, via 21 Ames St, Camb. 
Info: http://web.mit.edu/elkeh/www/MASSSeminars.html 
Dir: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 

Emerging Disinfection By-Products from Chloramination 
of Wastewater-Derived Organic Nitrogen, Asst Prof Wm 
Mitch (Chem & Envir Engineering). Noon, Rm 110, Envir Sci 
Ctr, 21 Sachem St, Yale U, New Haven, CT 
Info: http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar

Early Modern Times & Creation of Rural Landscape, 
Prof John Richards (Duke). 2:30 - 4:30 pm, MIT Tang Ctr, 
Bldg E51- Rm 095, 50 Memorial Dr, Camb. 
Info: http://web.mit.edu/history/www/nande/modTimes.html  
Dir: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=E51&Buildings=go 

Human Rights & Colombian Coal in Salem, Massachusetts, 
Prof Avi Chomsky (Salem State College) & No. Shore Colombia 
Solidarity Cmte. 7 pm, MIT Bldg 66  – Rm 100, 25 Ames St, Camb 
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=66&Buildings=go 
Info: http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/events   

*APR 16 & 17
Harvard International Development Conf. Reconstruction 
& Transformation: Develpmt in a Changing World. 
Harvard U, Kennedy Schl of Govt, 79 JFK St, Camb. Info:

*APR 16 & 17
2nd Annual Urban Agriculture Conf – 
Growing Possibilities: Agriculture in the City, Boston
4/16: 12 - 4 pm, Food Project's Urban Food Lot (Hands-On Training)
4/17: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Roxbury Community College (Workshops, 
         Keynote, Ag. Tour).
Fri: $25; Sat: $50; Both $65. Registr/Info: 617-442-1322 x 15; 
http://www.thefoodproject.org ablaine at thefoodproject.org 

Earth Day Service w Roger S. Gottlieb (WPI Prof, author & enviro). 
10:30 am – 12 noon, First Religious Society in Carlisle, 27 School St, 
Carlisle, MA  Info:  http://www.uucarlisle.org 978-369-5180
rmluoma at aol.com 

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 
91.9 fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm 
Newburyport, & WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: 
WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  
http://www.wumb.org  Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

APR 18 – 30
Youth Summit on Sustainable Development. U.N. New 
York City. Info: http://www.sustainus.org/youthsummit.htm

Community-based social marketing workshop: to foster 
sustainable Behavior, Doug McKenzie-Mohr PhD. Baltimore, 
MD Info: http://www.p2.org/summit2004 http://www.cbsm.com

New York State Earth Day Lobby Day. Albany, NY 
Info: http://www.eany.org/takeaction/earthday.html 
edld at eany.org  518-462-5526 x221 

MON, APR 19 
Earle Williams (MIT). Topic: TBA. 2-3:30 pm, Rm 102, 
Kline Geol Lab, 210 Whitney Ave, Yale U, New Haven, 
CT. Info:  http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar 

Can Global Warming induce a Permanent El Nino? (Ice Age 
Records provide an answer), Samuel Philander (Princeton U). 
4 pm, Haller Hall, Geol. Museum, Rm 102, 24 Oxford St, 
Harv U, Camb Map: http://www.map.harvard.edu Info: 

APR 19 - 22
Nat’l Enviro Assistance Summit (Nat’l Pollutn Preventn 
Rndtable Spring Conf & Nat’l Compliance Assist. Providers 
Forum). Baltimore, MD Info: http://www.p2.org/summit2004 

Ecosystems & Solutns for Preserving Global Envir: What Defines 
Wetlands & What Services Do They Provide? Virginia Burkett, 
PhD, USGS;  Public Policy, Carol Browner, Albright Grp; Frmr 
EPA Admin. 2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, Bldg C, Harv Med Schl, Boston. 
Public audit by arr. Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

Can Birders Change the World? Kenn Kaufman (conservatnist, 
naturalist, auth). 6 pm, Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford St, 
Camb. Info/Dir: http://www.hmnh.harvard.edu/events 

APR 20 - 23
Global Warming Int’l Conf & Expo (GWXV). San Francisco, CA. 
Info: http://www.globalwarming.net/gw15-overview.asp

Understanding the linkages betwn Climate Change & Sustainable
Development Using the Sustainomics Framework, Prof Mohan 
Munasignhe (Vice Chair, IPCC). 1 – 2:30 pm, MIT Bldg 9 – 
Rm 151, 105 Mass Ave, Camb. Info: gsherman at mit.edu,
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=9&Buildings=go 

Does Hazardous Waste Matter?  Evidence from Housing Market 
& Superfund Program, Michael Greenstone & Justin Gallagher 
(MIT). 4-5:30 pm, Rm L332, Littauer Bldg, KSG, 79 JFK St, 
Camb. Envir econ & policy seminar. Papers at website. Info: 
http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~ec2690hf   617-496-8054

Earth Day 2004  Info: http://www.earthday.net 
Register event plans: http://www.earthday.net/g&e/logOn.asp  
international at earthday.net 

Clean Water Act Jurisdiction: In the Courtroom, In Congress, 
& In the Field. NE Water Environment Assn Wetlands Cmte 
Seminar. Westford Regency, 219 Littleton Rd, Westford, MA
$85-$120. Registr/Info: http://www.newea.org 

Change & American Cities: Lessons from New Haven
Douglas Rae (Yale U & auth, “City: Urbanism & Its End”)
Noon, Taubman A, 5th flr, Taubman Bldg, JFK Schl Govt, 
15 Eliot St, Camb  Map: http://map.harvard.edu 
Info: http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/taubmancenter/events.html

Litigation as Regulation in Public Health, Asst Prof Michelle 
Mello (HSPH). Noon -1:30 pm, Bell Hall, 5th Flr, Belfer Bldg, KSG, 
79 JFK St, Camb. RSVP/Info: 617-384-8319, rpp at ksg.harvard.edu,

20th Century Climate Change in New England & New York, 
Rich Wolfson & Steve Trombulak. 12:15 – 1:20 pm, Bicentennial 
Hall Rm 216, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT  Info/Dir:  

Distribution, Abundance, & Life History of Harbor Porpoises 
in Boston Harbor & Mystic River, Jim Rice (NE Aquarium). 7 pm, 
Keverian Rm, Everett City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 
Info: http://www.mysticriver.org/calendar/apr_04.htm 

Careers For Today & Tomorrow. SustainUS Youth 
Summit: UN Church Ctr, 777 UN Plaza, NYC, NY
Info: http://www.sustainus.org/youthsummit.htm 

FRI, APR 23 
Implications of elevated atmospheric CO2 for forest succession 
& tree fitness, Jacqueline Mohan (Harvard). 11 am, Harvard 
Forest, Seminar rm, Shaler Hall, Petersham, MA Info/Dir: 

Looking at Biodiversity & Ecosystem Functioning 
Vertically Rather Than Horizontally, Prof Oswald Schmitz. 
Noon, Rm 110, Envir Sci Ctr, 21 Sachem St, Yale U, 
New Haven, CT Info: http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar

Organic Landscaping, Marilyn Castriotta & Don Bishop 
(Gardens Are...). 3 pm, Veggie Planet/Club Passim,
 47 Palmer St, Harvard Sq, Camb. Dinner after, $9:50 
by pre-order. Info: 617-824-4225, http://boston.earthsave.org 
http://www.clubpassim.org http://www.organiclandcare.net 

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 
91.9 fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm 
Newburyport, & WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: 
WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  
http://www.wumb.org  Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

APR 25 - 27 
Eating As a Moral Act: Ethics & Power from Agrarianism to 
Consumerism. Re: Consumptn, Consumerism, & Citizenship; 
Gender, Food & Culture; Power & Food Systems; Politics of Fat; 
Alternative Futures of Food Systems; Slow Food; Food in NE; 
>From Fisheries to Aquaculture; Food Safety & Food Security; 
Eating the Landscape; & Religion & Food. UNH, Durham, NH 
Info: http://www.sustainableunh.unh.edu/fas/eating_moral_act.html
FYI: http://environet.policy.net

Distribution of atmospheric oxygen in the last decade: Implicatns 
for carbon cycle, Michael Bender (Princeton). 2-3:30 pm, Rm 102, 
Kline Geol Lab, 210 Whitney Ave, Yale U, New Haven, CT. 
Info:  http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar 

Solutions: Modrtr Steve Curwood, Living on Earth, NPR;
[Our Common Future - 17 years update Gro Harlem Brundtland, 
MPH, MD, fmr   Dir-General, WHO]; Scientists, Media & Solutns, 
Cornelia Dean, Ed Sci Times, NYT; Financing Global Change: 
Kyoto & Beyond, Ross Gelbspan, journalist/auth, The Heat Is On.
2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, Bldg C, Harvard Med Schl, Boston. 
Public audit by arr. Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

Climate Change Backpack Training – Tool Kit to help educators, 
science & nature center interpreters to teach about climate change. 
9:30 am – 3:30 pm, Ecotarium, Worcester, MA.  Free. Lunch $7. 
Plse RSVP by 4/21. Info: janderson at neaq.org, 617-973-0256  

Sustainable Urban Mobility – Transport solutions for 21st C, 
Fred Salvucci (MIT, fmr MA Sec Transp). 1 – 2:30 pm, MIT 
Bldg 9 – Rm 151, 105 Mass Ave, Camb. Info: gsherman at mit.edu,
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=9&Buildings=go 

How & Why I Came to Write “The Nature Notebooks”, a Novel 
about 'Nature Writing, Don Mitchell. 12:15 – 1:20 pm, Bicentennial 
Hall Rm 216, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT  Info/Dir:  
Regional climate change from altered atmospheric circulatn & 
chemistry, Drew Shindell (NASA-Goddard). 4 – 5 pm, MIT, 
Bldg 54 - Rm 915, via 21 Ames St, Camb Info: masahiro at mit.edu 
Dir: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 	

Conservation in Central Asia: Protecting the Last Wild Places 
on Earth, Dr. George Schaller (mammalian conservtn biologist, 
world wildlife conservatnist). 6 pm, Geologcl Lecture Hall.
24 Oxford St, Camb. Info/Dir: http://www.hmnh.harvard.edu/events 

FRI, APR 30 
Testing conceptual models of watershed acidification: Bear Brook 
watershed in Maine, Ivan Fernandez  (U Maine). 11 am, Harvard 
Forest, Seminar rm, Shaler Hall, Petersham, MA Info/Dir: 

Harbor Boat Cruise to Wind Turbine in Hull, MA. 2 – 6 pm (Boarding 
begins at 1 pm), depart Rowes Wharf, Boston Harbor; tour Hull’s
wind turbine; raffle, silent auction, food, drink. $15.  Spons: Mass 
Energy. Info/Tix: http://www.massenergy.com 617-524-3950 x129, 
beth at massenergy.com 

APR 30 & MAY 1
Pathways to a Sustainable Future - Sustainable Energy Conf. 
4/30 – NE Middle School Student Conf, 8 am – 4 pm. 
Info: logan at planet-save.com http://www.chewonki.org
5/1 - Adult Conf,  8 am – 4 pm, $48/$58
Info: parnold at chewonki.org http://www.chewonki.org
Chewonki Fndn’s Center for Envir Educatn, 485 Chewonki 
Neck Rd., Wiscasset, ME  

MAY 2004

Parks Action Resource Center (PARC) Annual Forum for
Boston’s neighborhood stewards, activists, advocates for 
community parks, green & open spaces. 8:30 am – 2 pm,
Bunker Hill Community College, Charlestown, Boston.
Info: http://www.greenspacealliance.org 
617-426-7980 x106, smeehl at greenspacealliance.org.

Sustainability & Our Environment (Symposium). Noon – 6 pm,
Tufts Univ, Fletcher Schl, Cabot Intercultural Ctr, 
170 Packard Ave, Medford, MA. $10/$25. Info:
Dir: http://www.tufts.edu/source/mapmedford.html 

MAY 2 - 5 
Solid Waste/Recycling Conf & Trade Show. Bolton 
Landing, NY Info: http://www.nyfederation.org  

MAY 2 – 5 
10th Ann Nat’l Clean Cities Conf. Fort Lauderdale, FL. 
Info: http://www.ccities.doe.gov/conference/lauderdale 

Climate Change Backpack Training – Tool Kit to help educators, 
science & nature center interpreters to teach about climate 
change. 9:30 am – 3:30 pm, Newport, RI.  Free. Lunch $7. 
Co-spons: Save the Bay, RI. Plse RSVP by 4/17; 
Info: janderson at neaq.org, 617-973-0256 

MAY 4-6
EnviroExpo 2004.  World Trade Ctr, EnviroExpo 2004. 
World Trade Center, 164 Northern Ave, Boston. 
Info: http://www.enviroexpo.com 617-489-2302

For events after 5/4, see Beyond at left at 

Dear Friend,

Do you appreciate the Cambridge Climate Calendar and 
the grassroots activism of Mass. Climate Action Network? 
Your tax deductible, charitable donation is needed 
& welcome.  Then see your generosity at work at 
& http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 

Please make checks payable to "Commonwealth Foundation,"
(a 501c3), and mail to:

Michael Charney, Editor/Co-chair
PO Box 390554
Cambridge, MA 02139

Give your friends a greener New Year. They can subscribe to
CCC by sending a blank email to: CambClimCal-subscribe at topica.com  

Thank you!
MC, ed.
JOBS & RESOURCES    = New.  [For archival resources, 
including reports, websites, actions, briefings, jobs etc, see full 
JOBS & RESOURCES at bottom of any website version of CCC
at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html & Resources at left.]

*Priceless: On Knowing the Price of Everything & the Value of 
Nothing [critique of using cost-benefit analysis for public policy] 
by Frank Ackerman & Lisa Heinzerling (GDAE, Tufts). New Press ’04. 

*Institutional Investor Summit Report on Climate Risk
(CERES Conf) http://www.incr.com/summit_record.htm 

*EPA Funding for Source Reductn, P2, Resource Conservation.
Projects. Info: 202-564-8857, amhaz.michele at epa.gov 

*RMI Launches Community Energy e-Tool: http://finder.rmi.org 
Calculates potential benefits of implementing energy efficiency incl 
energy & dollar savings, air emissions reductions, & jobs created.

*Position:  Climate & Energy Outreach Coordinator for DC 
Office of Nat’l Wildlife Fund. http://www.nwf.org/careergateway 

*RMI Launches Community Energy e-Tool: http://finder.rmi.org 

*AIR WAR -- Remaking Energy Policy; How Power Lobby Won 
Battle of Pollution Control at E.P.A. NYT 3/6 p. A1
At Feature at left at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 
*Will The End of Oil Mean The End of America? 

*State of the World's Birds report: 1 out of every 8 of 
world's 10,000 bird species are now threatened with extinction
http://www.birdlife.org/action/science /species/sowb/index.html 

*Call for Applications: Aldo Leopold Leadership Program 
for academic environmental scientists Ddln: 4/19/04.
Info: http://www.leopoldleadership.org 

*Summer Student Enviro Political Skill Training Academies. 
Week-long trainings to protect environment & communities. 
Re: Envir justice, climate change, clean energy, asthma & anti-racism.
Info/Registr: http://envirocitizen.org/STA/2004/index.html 
June 7-12: DC Summer Training Academy, Catholic U., DC
    Apply: http://envirocitizen.org/STA/2004/DC/app.asp 
June 21-26: Denver Summer Training Academy - U Denver, CO 
    Apply: http://envirocitizen.org/STA/2004/Denver/app.asp 

*Applicatns invited for AASHTO Smart Growth & Transportation 
Awards. Info: http://www.epa.gov/globalwarming/ls/1.html 

*Defend The Mendocino Ban & Spread Ge-Free Zones: 

More Resources at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html > click Week at 
left & scroll to Resources at bottom; also Resources on left.

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CCC Website is updated with integrated Index & Detailed Listings, at: http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html
SCROLL DOWN to Detailed Listings section.

Supplements to weekly issue may have Index only, If so, go to Website for full Detailed Listings and Index.
SUBMISSIONS: Climate, enviro & sustainability notices for lectures, events, and resources relevant to Metro-Boston are most welcome.

Send concise text to <CambClimAct at aol.com>  Please no attachments.

Please use a 3.5 inch line with the following order:

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Thank you. - Editor
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Note: The most updated CCC is posted at:  http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html

Scroll down below Index for Detailed Listing.

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Website: http://www.topica.com/lists/CambClimCal
Note: email addresses are abbreviate and functional in archive. 

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