[Save] Mystic Research Conference - Sat. April 3rd

Anne Lightbody lightbod at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 15 11:33:56 EST 2004

Saturday, April 3rd, 2004, 12:30PM - 4:30PM

Mystic 2010: Research Supporting Watershed Goals
Tufts University, Anderson Hall, 200 College Ave, Medford, MA

Please join us for an afternoon of presentations and discussions of research
throughout the Mystic River watershed. Experts will discuss their most
recent findings from water quality, restoration, and land-use studies. These
research presentations will be followed by a respondent panel and discussion
on the future research needs of the Mystic watershed and the integration of
research, policy, and actions bringing us closer to the current stated goal
of a swimmable fishable Mystic by 2010.

This conference is a forum for community members and organizations,
municipal officials, professors, students, and state officials to engage in
current and future watershed research through learning about watershed
issues, exchanging ideas and building collaborations.

The conference is free and open to the public. There will be time for casual
networking, poster presentations, and light refreshments. An optional
donation of $10 will assist in purchasing supplies for high school student
water quality monitoring programs.

For more information: Visit <http://www.mysticriver.org>www.mysticriver.org 
or call 617-627-3076.
R.S.V.P. to <mailto:julie at mysticriver.org>julie at mysticriver.org
Sponsored by: Mystic Watershed Collaborative, a partnership between the
Mystic River Watershed Association & Tufts University (including University
College, WaterSHED Center, WSSS, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies)
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