[Save] MIT Student Presentations for Cambridge Climate Protection

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 23 16:02:27 EST 2004

Please forward to interested parties
Apologies for cross posting

We invite you to the Final Presentations of the 2004 MIT Seminar
“Implementing the Cambridge Climate Protection Plan”

January 29th 1:30 PM

RSVP appreciated but not necessary to bconlin at mit.edu, 2-3199

Invitation Attached

Event Summary:

On January 29, 2004, a group of MIT students and their instructors will
report the results of an experiment in collaborative education.  The
Laboratory for Energy and the Environment (LFEE) and the Department of
Political Science joined forces with the City of Cambridge to mobilize
MIT student energy and creativity for one of the city's most prominent
environmental goals.  

On December 16, 2002, the City Council adopted a plan to reduce in-city
emissions of greenhouse gases (notably, carbon dioxide resulting from
fossil fuel combustion) by 20% by 2010, in comparison to 1990 levels.
 During the month of January, MIT students are developing innovative
strategies to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Cambridge.

These strategies are specifically focused on activities in the Cambridge
community that produce greenhouse gas emissions.  Experts in local
governance, climate initiatives and environmental management have
visited the class, and students have worked closely with City staff to
gather information and refine their ideas.  Students have chosen to
develop activities to encourage Cambridge students to walk to school, an
activity with environmental, educational, and health related benefits
for Cambridge citizens.

The student proposal will be unveiled at 1:30 pm on January 29, in
Building 2, Room 105, at MIT.  After a brief introduction, the student
group will present its suggested strategies for greenhouse gas
reductions.  Following the presentations, we will welcome questions and
discussion about the students’ ideas, as well as about other ideas to
collaboratively further the goals of climate protection activities in

Please join us and lend your insights to this experiment in
community-focused environmental education.  RSVP’s (to bconlin at mit.edu,
or 617-452-3199) are appreciated, but not necessary.  We hope to see you
on January 29!

Beth Conlin
Education Program Coordinator
Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
E40-481, 1 Amherst St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
bconlin at mit.edu

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