[Save] EnviroForum III, March 10, 4-6 pm, Bush Room (Bldg. 10)
Jeremy Gregory
jgregory at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 26 14:17:28 EST 2004
Save the date! The next EnviroForum is coming in a few weeks. In case you
missed previous events, EnviroForums are a series of events supported by
Chancellor Clay that are designed to bring together MIT's diverse community
interested in the issues of environment, sustainability, and related
issues. Each event will provide an opportunity for attendees to meet
like-minded individuals for networking, socializing, and informal
conversation. Attendees include MIT graduate and undergraduate students,
faculty, researchers, staff, and members of the administration.
MIT's third EnviroForum takes place Wednesday, March 10 from 4:00-6:00 pm
in the Bush Room (first floor of Building 10) and will focus on the theme
"People Shaping the Environment: Research and Activities at MIT". We are
privileged to keep up the tradition of having great speakers at
EnviroForums. This event will feature Prof. Leon Glicksman from the
Architecture and Mechanical Engineering Departments, a renowned green
building expert and heavily involved in building projects on campus, and
Paul Parravano, Co-Director of the Government and Community Relations
Office and vital connection between MIT and the City of Cambridge. As
before, refreshments will be provided.
Feel free to forward this message to all interested parties. We look
forward to seeing you on the 10th!
Members of the EnviroForum Organizing Task Force:
Justin Adams, Environmental Programs Office
Jim Curtis, Environmental Programs Office
Matthew Gardner, Ph.D., Program Administrator, Earth Systems Initiative
Amanda Graham, Ph.D., Education Program Manager, LFEE
Jeremy Gregory, Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student
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