[Save] Fwd: [CRC Volunteers] May volunteer opportunities

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 27 20:49:24 EDT 2004

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>Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 14:58:19 -0400
>To: crcvolunteers at charlesriverconservancy.org
>From: Britt Lundgren <bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>
>X-Mailman-Approved-At: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 15:06:36 -0400
>Subject: [CRC Volunteers] May volunteer opportunities
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>Thanks to everyone who participated in our April events, including the 
>Annual Charles River Earthday Cleanup, and the WBOS Festival for the Earth 
>Recycling Crew!  Everyone did an amazing job cleaning up the parks - we 
>had a record 1500 participants this year.  Thanks for all of your hard 
>work!  This month, we're looking forward to hosting volunteer events for 
>11 local companies, community groups, and schools.
>Upcoming volunteer events:
>Saturday, May 1, 9:00-2:00 in Watertown Square: Reseeding and erosion 
>control at the Watertown landing. We'll remove old hay bales, install new 
>ones, put down compost, give the area a thorough raking, reseed, and cover 
>it all with biodegradable erosion control fabric.
>Saturday, May 8 - <http://www.mayfirearts.com>Mayfire Arts Festival- The 
>Mayfire Festival is a festival of art and music happening on the Esplanade 
>from noon - dusk on Saturday, May 8.  They are looking for volunteers to 
>help with the festival, as well as for people to help clean the parks up 
>once the festival ends (shift would start at 6:00 pm).  To sign up to help 
>out, please email the Mayfire volunteer coordinator, Patricia Walsh, at 
><mailto:eeyore2003_ma at msn.com>eeyore2003_ma at msn.com.  You can also learn 
>more by visiting the festival website, 
>Save the date!  The CRC is planning a celebration on the evening of 
>Wednesday, May 26 to honor the 1,500 people who have given their time and 
>energy to care for the Parklands since the Conservancy Volunteers program 
>began in September 2002.  Details to be announced!
>Saturday, June 5 is Plant Yourself in the Park Day.  Bring a group or join 
>us as an individual, and help spruce up the the Parklands in 
>Allston-Brighton.  Volunteers will be cutting brush, painting and planting 
>at the Publick Theatre, and controlling invasives in Herter Park 
>West.  More information about this event can be found at 
>To participate in any of these events, or to set up a service day for your 
>company or community group, just contact volunteer coordinator, Britt 
>Lundgren at bml at charlesriverconservancy.org or (617) 641-9131.
>Britt Lundgren
>Volunteer Coordinator
>Charles River Conservancy
>104 Eldredge St.
>Newton, MA 02458
>fax 617.641.9304
>CRCvolunteers mailing list
>CRCvolunteers at charlesriverconservancy.org
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