[Save] Harvard Int'l Dev Conference - this weekend!

Michael Brown m1brown at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 16 12:09:41 EDT 2004

[sorry for any cross-posting]

*Just a last reminder* The Harvard International Development Conference 
(<http://www.hidc2004.org/>www.hidc2004.org) is this weekend, a bunch of 
DUSP and Architecture people have been involved with putting this together:

<http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/kssgorg/HIDC/panels.html>Among the 17 panels on 

-Environmental Negotiations, Conflict Prevention, and National Security
-Public-Private Partnerships: Addressing the African HIV/AIDS Pandemic
-Urbanization of Poverty: Mechanisms for Improving Housing Conditions in 
Low-income Settlements
-The Millennium Project: An update on Task Force 8 on  Improving the Lives 
of 100 Million Slum Dwellers
-Sustaining Environmental and Conservation Efforts Through Development and 
-"Do No Harm" Avoiding the Negative Effects of Development Projects

<http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/kssgorg/HIDC/workshops.html>*Sunday's workshops 
are free*

-Back to Basics in Kabul
-Lobbying: Effective and Ethical Influence
-Development Policy Video: Issues, Techniques and Demonstrations
-Empowering Youth to Address Challenges in their Communities - Creating 
Systematic Approaches That Foster Collaboration and Partnership
-Invention, Listening and the Art of Development: Finding New Ways to Match 
Realization to Expectation 
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