[Save] Volunteers needed for Earth Day Clothes, Shoes, Books... EXCHANGE

Shruti Chandrasekhar shruti at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 14 10:43:20 EDT 2004

Another call for volunteers!
EARTH DAY April 29 Thursday

We are thinking of setting up a counter for exchange of clothes, shoes,
books even furniture. The plan is to make it a little store like area
where we have a mirror, shelves with books, clothes racks, shoe racks
and everything, so people can come and try on the clothes and shoes and
admire themselves in teh mirror, or browse through the books etc. 

As a volunteer you would have to help hang up the clothes that people
bring in and maybe talk to the people who stray in. It should be a lot
of fun!

Let me know if you like to be a part of it - an hour or two between 9am
and 5pm on the 29th of April would be perfect. Do email me
(shruti at mit.edu) and let me know your best times.


On Wed, 2004-04-14 at 08:43, Jessica Lee wrote:
> It's that time of year again!
> Earth Day at MIT will take place on Thursday, April 29 on Kresge Oval. In 
> keeping with tradition, SAVE will be there, handing out free plant 
> cuttings, to spread greenness across campus.
> We need you to volunteer to hand out plants! It's easy, fun, and everyone 
> loves the person who gives out plants.
> If you can spare an hour or two between 9:00am and 5:00pm, please email me 
> (jalee at mit.edu) to volunteer.
> Thanks!
> jessica

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