[Save] Reminder: Talk Tues. 4/13: Renewable energy in South Asia and volunteer opportunity

Xiaomin Mou xmou at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 12 23:02:03 EDT 2004

MIT Students for Global Sustainability presents:

Solar Sisters - a brighter future for Himalayan communities
Renewable Energy & Volunteer opportunity in South Asia

A talk by Dawn Peebles, U.S. Coordinator, Himalayan Light Foundation*
Time: 5:30pm, Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Location: 4-237 http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=4-237
Light refreshment provided

International travelers have the opportunity to live with indigenous 
communities in some of the most remote and majestic sites in the world and 
help improve quality of life and empower residents by sponsoring the 
installation of a solar energy system.

Programs are available in Nepal, Sri Lanka or Bhutan. Program fee covers 
cost of solar equipment and training, travel and food during installation, 
and accommodations.

For more information: visit www.hlf.org.np or email dawnp at hlf.org.np

*The Himalayan Light Foundation is an accredited Non-Governmental 
Organization supported by the United Nations Development Program and 
Engineers Without Frontiers.

Thank you,
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