[Save] Fwd: directions for Saturday

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 17 20:15:33 EDT 2003

For those of you interested in attending the Charles River Restoration this 
Saturday, here's the final info. We'll leave at 9:30AM from 77 Mass Ave, so 
let's all meet there a little early.
Bring a bag lunch! I'll probably provide a few snack-like goodies, as well.
We'll be pruning plants.
If you can't stay the whole time, no problem! Feel free to come anyway 
(just let me know if you want to come late and meet us there).

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>X-Sender: bml at mail.actwin.com
>Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 15:54:35 -0400
>To: michaelbirnbryer at hotmail.com, mcquin at mit.edu, jalee at mit.edu
>From: Britt Lundgren <bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>
>Subject: directions for Saturday
>Cc: eet at charlesriverconservancy.org
>X-Spam-Score: 0.8
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.28 (www . roaringpenguin . com / mimedefang)
>Hi Jessica, Michael, and Chris,
>Thanks for bringing a group of volunteers this Saturday to help out along 
>the Charles River!  We'll be working on the Boston side of the river, 
>upstream from the Harvard Bridge (Mass Ave) close to BU.
>Please make sure everyone in your group brings a bag lunch!  Also make 
>sure everyone brings water, as there are no water fountains nearby.
>This event is rain or shine! So far the forecast for Saturday looks good, 
>but please make sure that everyone in your group knows to dress for the 
>weather.  Please also tell everyone to wear sneakers and long pants.
>Emily Twiss, another CRC staff person, will be running the event this 
>weekend.  If you need to reach her on Saturday morning with any questions 
>before the event, her cell # is 617-851-6269. If the size of your group 
>changes drastically from what we've already discussed, please let either 
>myself or Emily know ahead of time so that we can be prepared.
>If you have any questions about these directions, you can reach me at the 
>office on Thursday or Friday at 617-641-9131, or via email.
>Date: Saturday, September 20, 2003
>Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
>Location: on the Boston banks of the Charles River, downstream from the BU 
>We'll meet at 10:00 at the Baystate pedestrian bridge.  See directions below.
>Project: Cut invasive plants and overgrown brush that obstructs views of 
>the river and the starting markers for the upcoming Head of the Charles 
>race.  Volunteers will use hand tools and line trimmers to cut the brush, 
>then everything will be raked up and bagged.  We'll supply work gloves and 
> From MIT: Take Mass Ave across the river to Boston.  Immediately after 
> crossing the bridge you will see a ramp down to the parklands along the 
> Charles.  Take this ramp, and at the bottom turn right so you are heading 
> upstream (towards BU). Continue upstream until you reach the Baystate Rd 
> pedestrian bridge across Storrow Drive.  You'll see our truck and all the 
> tools here.  (The Baystate Rd bridge is the second one across Storrow 
> after Mass Ave).
> From Berklee:  Walk down Mass Ave to the Charles.  Take the ramp down 
> into the parklands along the river, and at the bottom turn right so you 
> are heading upstream (towards BU). Continue upstream until you reach the 
> Baystate Rd pedestrian bridge across Storrow Drive.  You'll see our truck 
> and all the tools here.  (The Baystate Rd bridge is the second one across 
> Storrow after Mass Ave).
>By T: Take the Green B line to Kenmore Square.  When you exit the station, 
>head down Commonwealth Ave towards Brookline.  Take a right onto Sherborn 
>St.  Follow Sherborn St to the end, and use the pedestrian bridge that is 
>there to cross over Storrow Drive.  Turn upstream (left), and continue 
>till you reach the next pedestrian bridge, which is Baystate.
>Britt Lundgren
>Volunteer Coordinator
>Charles River Conservancy
>104 Eldredge St.
>Newton, MA 02458
>fax 617.641.9304
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