[Save] Fwd: MIT - conference call

Jeremy Conrad j_c at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 22 17:05:17 EDT 2003

I'm planning on calling in but if anyone else would like to feel free.


>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:43:15 -0400
>From: billy parish <billy.parish at yale.edu>
>To: j_c at mit.edu
>Subject: MIT - conference call
>User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.1
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>there is a conference call for the Mass. climate campaign tomorrow
>night at 9:00. we are trying to build a network of as many MA schools
>working on energy issues as possible, and would really like to have
>some MIT activists on the call.
>Date: Thursday, October 23, 2003
>Time: 9:00 pm
>Dial-in Number: 1-323-785-4156
>Participant Access Code: 62772
>can you make it? if not, can you find a few other MIT folks who could?
>you can find a little more information about the climate campaign at
>and you can get on our listserve by emailing:
>climatecampaign-ma-subscribe at yahoogroups.com (please do!)
>please let me know about the call as soon as you can.
>billy.parish at yale.edu
>(203)773-4991 (home)
>(203)887-5945 (cell)

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