[Save] Seminar Series on Sustainable Development: Sustainable Agriculture

Philip Sheehy sheehy at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 21 14:58:12 EDT 2003

The Students for Global Sustainability, MIT Student Pugwash, Design that 
Matters, and Engineers Without Frontiers are please to announce:

Sustainable Development Seminar Series

Sustainable Agriculture

join us in the exploration of innovative and solution-oriented methods for the
implementation of sustainable development in the farming industry

Smart Design: Adaptive Technology in Africa
Carl Bielenberg, Founder of The Better World Workshop
Wednesday October 22, 2003 at 5PM in 4-231

Agricultural Industrialization in North America
Professor Deborah Fitzgerald, MIT Program in Science, Technology and Society
Monday October 27, 2003 at 12PM in 3-343

Feeding Ourselves: The Organic Alternative
Jack Kittredge, Northeast Organic Farming Association
Wednesday October 29, 2003 at 12PM in 6-321

snacks and refreshments provided

please forward to any interested parties
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