[Save] MA & NE Grassroots Climate Action Conf. Sun., 11/16, Tufts U, Medfor

Michael Charney cambclimact at aol.com
Sun Oct 19 13:32:19 EDT 2003

                                       Please forward & come!

MCAN & Tufts' 3rd Annual MA & NE 

       Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 - Tufts University
9 am - 5:30 pm, Cabot Center, 170 Packard Ave, Medford, MA 

  I:  "Rhode Island's Climate Plan, Local Buy-in & Regional Synergy"
         Jan Reitsma, Dir., R.I. Dept. Envir. Management
 II:  "Europe Leads: Cutting Carbon Affordably"
         Michael Northrop, Rockefeller Brothers Fund

18+ Workshops: 

Local climate action plans & GHG reduction strategies; 
Climate change science, human & ocean impacts, solutions; 
Regional climate plan & realities; Greening town & gown; 
Green schools & capital projects; VMT's, fuel use & SUVs; 
EcoTeams - Lifestyle Shift; Community wind projects & Cape Wind; Global 
warming education K-12 & public; Allied efforts: Church retrofits, Faith 
stewardship, Shareholder actions, Envir 
responsible national political conventions; Advancing state 
& regional policy & action; Framing the Message & Organizing skills; 
"Getting Ink" with Boston Globe & Herald environmental reporters. 

Program & Registr:  http://www.massclimateaction.org     
or see "Feature" at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html

Fee: $40 at door; $30 if by 10/31. Group rates available

RSVP encouraged/Info:  cambclimact at aol.com,  781-643-5911 

Map & Directions:  http://www.tufts.edu/source/maps/medford

Sponsors: Mass. Climate Action Network & Tufts Climate Initiative, with  
Clean Water Action, MassPIRG, Clean Air - Cool Planet, Conservation Law 
Foundation, HealthLink, and MassEnergy


Dear Climate & Enviro Colleagues,

Please join us for our 3rd annual "Grassroots Climate Protection 
Conference" Sunday November 16 at Tufts' University. (Full details at
http://www.massclimateaction.org ).

Please help us advance climate activism in New England by sharing 
this notice with others by email, website posting or listserv.

Also, if you would like to support MCAN and promote local climate 
protection and activism in Mass. and New England, tax-deductible 
contributions may be made payable to the "Commonwealth Foundation" 
{attn: MCAN} and sent to Marc Breslow, MCAN Director, 86 Milton St, 
Arlington, MA 02186.

Michael Charney

Climate/Enviro Calendar Editor
MCAN Co-chair
cambclimact at aol.com  


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CCC Website is updated with integrated Index & Detailed Listings, at: http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html
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Supplements to weekly issue may have Index only, If so, go to Website for full Detailed Listings and Index.
SUBMISSIONS: Climate, enviro & sustainability notices for lectures, events, and resources relevant to Metro-Boston are most welcome.

Send concise text to <CambClimAct at aol.com>  Please no attachments.

Please use a 3.5 inch line with the following order:

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Brief content description
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Thank you. - Editor
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