[Save] Fwd: Conservancy Volunteers News

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 25 14:55:00 EST 2003

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>Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 11:29:34 -0500
>To: volunteers at charlesriverconservancy.org
>From: Britt Lundgren <bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>
>Subject: Conservancy Volunteers News
>Sender: owner-crcvolunteers at charlesriverconservancy.org
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>Conservancy Volunteers November Newsletter
>Its tree pruning time! From now until March, the Conservancy Volunteers 
>will be pruning trees along the river.  Come learn the art of pruning.  No 
>experience is necessary.
>Upcoming Events:
>Saturday, December 13, from 10:00-2:00  We'll be working in 
>Watertown.  Sign up early -this event is already filling up!
>Saturday, January 10, from 10:00-2:00.  Location TBA.
>To sign up for one of these events contact volunteer coordinator Britt 
>Lundgren at 
><mail%20to:%20bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>bml at charlesriverconservancy.org 
>or (617) 641-9131. You can also set up a service day for your company or 
>community group.
>Many thanks to the groups that helped out during October and November: 
>Americorps, Boston Hash House Harriers, City Year, Girl Scouts with 
>Hosteling International, Harvard and Tufts Asian Students Associations, 
>Newton Athletes Serving the Community, Northeastern University, Prospect 
>Hill Academy, and Single Volunteers Boston.
>Save the Date!  The Boston Parks 2004 campaign is hosting the first annual 
>Plant Yourself in the Park Day on June 5, 2004.  Boston Parks 2004 can 
>help your group identify, plan, and complete a project in your park, or 
>help you join forces with other groups to plan and execute a project.  The 
>Charles River Conservancy will be hosting several events in the parks 
>along the Charles as part of this day.  Contact 
><mail%20to:%20bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>Britt if you are interested 
>in planning or helping with a particular project, or if you have a group 
>that wants to participate.  For more information about the Boston Parks 
>2004 campaign, visit their website at 
>Other CRC volunteer opportunities:
>The Charles River Conservancy's fundraising committee is looking for a few 
>volunteers to help it expand and update its corporate listings, especially 
>in the Kendall Square area.  A willingness to do web research and some 
>footwork around East Cambridge is necessary.  Contact 
><mail%20to:%20bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>Britt for more details.
>Charles River Conservancy in the news:
>"Along the lost half-mile, a process of rediscovery."
>On November 16th, The Boston Sunday Globe City Weekly featured an article 
>by Chris Berdik about the New Basin Parklands and the skatepark.
>"Let Charles be better than Seine" was the headline of a letter to the 
>Boston Globe Editor by Renata von Tscharner, CRC president, in response to 
>the article "A river runs through it" by Susan Diesenhouse.
><mailto:crc at charlesriverconservancy.org>crc at charlesriverconservancy.org if 
>you would like to receive a copy of either article.
>Program Spotlight:
>Skatepark: Designer Selected
><http://www.skateparks.com/index.htm>Wormhoudt Inc., designer of the 
>world-famous Louisville Extreme Park in Kentucky, has been contracted to 
>design the Charles River Skatepark.  Wormhoudt Inc. has extensive design 
>experience having completed over 50 skateparks.  They have already begun 
>coordinating their design with the Central Artery and the DCR (who will 
>own and maintain the skatepark).
>Public Skatepark Meeting:
>The next public meeting will be on Monday, December 15th at 6:30pm at the 
>Boston Public Library.  Representatives from Wormhoudt Inc. will present 
>initial concepts and take questions and suggestions from the 
>audience.  Registration required at 
><mailto:crc at charlesriverconservancy.org>crc at charlesriverconservancy.org.
>Advocacy: Graffiti vs. Art
>As we continue to work on graffiti removal and a long-term maintenance and 
>prevention plan, we would like to hear from you.  What do you think of 
>murals painted on the bridge underpasses?  Please take two minutes and 
>give us your input by 
>our survey.
>Holiday Gift Idea:
>The Boston Globe bestseller, Inventing the Charles River, makes a great 
>holiday gift.  This 500 page book by Karl Haglund was published by MIT 
>Press in collaboration with the CRC and includes over 450 
>  more or order the book
>Picture of the Month:
>of the month shows the area around the Zakim Bridge where the Charles 
>River Skatepark will be located.  The skatepark is sited under Cambridge's 
>curving ramps accessing the Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge.
>Annual Appeal:
>Watch you mailbox for the Fall 2003 Annual Appeal.  Your support is vital 
>if the Charles River Conservancy is going to be able to continue the 
>renewal and stewardship of the Charles River Parklands.  You can give by 
>check, credit card or 
><https://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/membership/index.php>on line.
>Our mailing address is:
>The Charles River Conservancy
>104 Eldredge Street
>Newton, MA
>The Charles River Conservancy takes as its mission the renewal and 
>stewardship of the Charles River Parklands and their surroundings, 
>particularly parks, parkways and bridges.  The Conservancy engages in 
>numerous Parklands restoration and improvement initiatives, including 
>access and safety, education and outreach, and planning and maintenance 
>programs, and relies heavily on individual contributions.  To support the 
>Charles River Conservancy, click 
><https://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/membership/index.php>here. Thank you!
>If you know someone who would enjoy this newsletter, please feel free to 
>pass it along.  Interested readers can subscribe to the e-newsletter by 
>sending an email to 
><mail%20to:%20bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>bml at charlesriverconservancy.org 
>with the words "subscribe members" in the message body text.
>If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, email 
><mail%20to:%20bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>bml at charlesriverconservancy.org 
>with your request.
>Britt Lundgren
>Volunteer Coordinator
>Charles River Conservancy
>104 Eldredge St.
>Newton, MA 02458
>fax 617.641.9304
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