[Save] women and outdoors survey; the meatrix
Corrina C Chase
corrina at u.washington.edu
Sun Nov 23 13:24:41 EST 2003
Women: Here's a survey you might like to participate in: http://www.unr.nevada.edu/~lilace/
"This study of women and outdoor spaces examines American women's individual perceptions and uses of outdoor areas, such as urban parks, rural countryside, and public land, including Wilderness Areas. If you are a female, living in the U.S., and 18 years of age or older, your participation would be greatly appreciated regardless of how active you are outdoors. The goal of this research is to collect a wide range of perceptions."
Everyone who hasn't already, check this out. As Abby said, "Cows with guns and pleather." It's funny and has good info:
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