[Save] Massachusetts Recycles Day plant handouts

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 10 09:44:28 EST 2003

Hello everyone,
So here's the deal about plant handouts:
--Attached, you'll find a poster for the plant handouts. Please print a few 
and put them in appropriate places (your dorm, your lab, your favorite 
classroom, etc).
The table will be in the Student Center; we'll be accompanied by the 
Working Group Recycling Committee.
I have class from 8-10, but I'll set up beforehand. I'll bring down 
everything except the plants, which I'll leave in the SMAC and Matt and 
Cathy can bring down. (Matt, Cathy, do you know where the SMAC is? 4th 
floor. I'll give you the exact room number and combination in another email).

There's still time to volunteer! The schedule for plant handouts so far is:
setup: Jessica
10:00-11:00: Matt & Cathy
11:30-12:30: Elizabeth
12:30-4:00; cleanup: Jessica

To give away plants, here's what you do:
Put some soil in a peat pot.
Ask the visitor to our booth what kind of plant he or she likes.
Cut a sprig from the plant. It should include at least 2 pairs of leaves, 
and you should cut the stem just below a leaf.
Dip the end of the stem in rooting hormone, and stick it in the soil.
Give it some water. Hand it to the happy visitor.

Ask people about recycling in their dorms. We'd like to find out which 
dorms have good recycling programs, which have really bad ones, and how we 
can help. One option we're considering is encouraging the use of 
housekeeping staff to collect recycling in every dorm (this happens in some 
dorms but not all)-- there's an economic incentive for the house manager to 
employ such a policy, because recycling is much cheaper than trash, per pound.

Any questions? email me back!
Thanks very much for all your help!

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