[Save] Fwd: N51/N52 Solar Panels

Manshi Low mslow at MIT.EDU
Sat Dec 6 07:52:43 EST 2003

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>X-Sender: lordjim at po10.mit.edu (Unverified)
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1
>Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 11:53:42 -0500
>To: archall at mit.edu
>From: Jim Harrington <lordjim at MIT.EDU>
>Subject: Fwd: N51/N52 Solar Panels
>X-Spam-Score: -9.899
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>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.28 (www . roaringpenguin . com / mimedefang)
>Hi, this may be about the last energy saving improvement that N51 and 52 
>need, but I was surprised to learn about MIT's subsidizing home 
>installations.   Please see below if interested.  jim
>>Dear N51/N52 Occupants:
>>I wanted to make you aware that the roof of our building will be 
>>"hosting" solar panels within the next few months.  No action is required 
>>on your part, nor should there be any effects on your work.  In fact, 
>>this email is being sent to make you aware since you would likely 
>>otherwise never realize it.  Please share this information with others in 
>>your department as appropriate.
>>Facilities has already begun the preparation work to the electrical and 
>>roofing systems.  The actual panels will be installed in March, depending 
>>on weather conditions.  The system will have a rated capacity of 2 
>>kilowatts.  The power produced will offset electricity that would 
>>otherwise have been purchased from NStar.  The electricity will be 
>>produced with NO greenhouse gas emissions or other negative environmental 
>>The project is being led by Laxmi Rao of the Department of Facilities 
>>(lrao at mit.edu).  More information on this project can be obtained at 
>>http://solarpower.mit.edu/. A photo of the installation on the Student 
>>Center, is at 
>>Our system will look similar.
>>Interested in placing solar panels on your home?  Anyone in the MIT 
>>community is eligible for subsidized purchase of solar panels. Please see 
>>the web site for more information.
>>James T. Curtis, PE, LSP
>>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>>Environment, Health & Safety Office
>>Building N52-496
>>265 Massachusetts Avenue
>>Cambridge, MA  02139
>>(617) 452-2508 (tel),  (617) 258-6831 (fax)
>>Email: curtisjt at mit.edu
>Jim Harrington, AIA
>Facilities Manager
>M.I.T. School of Architecture & Planning
>77 Massachusetts Avenue  Room 10-481M
>Cambridge, MA 02139  USA
>617.258.6061 voice
>617.236.9111 pager
>617.253.9407 fax
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