Task Classification and Substitution Profiles

Bratzler, Loren Loren.Bratzler at nscorp.com
Fri Feb 20 16:00:27 EST 2015

Hello Wuggers!

We have a situation here where the business realized that Annual Performance Reviews can be opened and read by UWL Substitutes.  They want us to exclude tasks related to the Annual Appraisal process from a UWL Substitute's view when they are working on items on behalf of someone else.

I found this very good article on SCN that explains the process for creating task classifications and assigning those classifications to substitution profiles:


However, I am struggling to make this work.

Our situation is that we basically have two Substitution profiles.  One is named "ALL" (for all tasks) and the other is named "TRAVEL_APPRO" (for only approving travel related tasks).  What I tried to do was define a new Classification for performance reviews named "PDR" (Personal Development Review).  We use the standard appraisal workflow, WS12300110, which has standard task TS12300115 for the employee to read and respond to their performance review.  I assigned task TS12300115 to the new "PDR" classification.  But then I did not assign "PDR" as a classification for the "ALL" substitution profile.  PDR is not assigned to any profile.

My thinking was that if the new classification is not included in any profile, then the tasks assigned to that classification would not show up in the substitutes' queue, regardless of which profile they were using.

Am I missing something here?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Loren Bratzler
Norfolk Southern Corporation
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