Using GOS attachment as an AdHoc_objects

Florin Wach (GMX) florin.wach at
Fri Nov 23 18:21:08 EST 2012

Hi Zsolt,

yes and no, as it is depending on what you address to be a "GOS object",
but most of the times, they are, indeed, related to a BOR business object.

In the case of a scanned invoice image, it's not the SOFM type, but IMAGE
what you need to look for.

Whenever you're able to retrieve an instance of such a business object
(BOR or ABAP-OO-Workflow) you can add this to the predefined workflow
container element _ADHOC_OBJECTS. In this case, all such object will
appear as links on the work item display.

In order to get something more "running", such as performing the
.Display() action of the IMAGE, you'll also need to assign it to a single
workflow container element, e.g. "Image" and maintain the "Methods"
section of the particular workflow step and choose under "Before methods":
Image.Display() and the scanned invoice will show up, every time a user
clicks on the work item.

So the real question is: How do you find out, which objects are assigned
or visible via GOS, and the second one is, how to get an instance of that.
And the answer is, that it depends on the object type again :-) , what
wonder, as the relationship is provided by the GOS-object itself and it
may be stored at any place in the database.

In the case of Attachments, they are stored either in the
SAP-Office-Folders or in the linkage tables of SAP ArchiveLink. For the
latter one you may use ARCHIV_GET_CONNECTIONS with your existing targeted
object that you hold in your workflow. The result must then be put into
any kind of instantiation process for the object type IMAGE. This could be
one of the wizard's step of generic instantiation, or, as you need to make
at least one custom background step anyways, you can perform both action
in that one step, returning the leading IMAGE instance.

Take care and happy clean coding,

Am 23.11.12 16:11 schrieb "Márton Zsolt" unter <Marton.Zsolt at>:

>Hi All!
>Is that possible to attach a GOS object to a workitem?
>I have an issue, where an scanned invoice image is attached to the parked
>document and I have to attach to workitem too.
>Is that possible to populate the Adhoc_Objects from a GOS element, I
>mean, is that possible to create a SOFM object by using a GOS attachment?
>Thanks in advance
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