UWL & Rejection Reason

Ashley Butterfield ashleybutterfield at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 20 01:28:56 EST 2012

Hi all,
My workflow pops up a window when a purchasing document is rejected, for the user to enter a rejection reason. 
Unfortunately in the UWL, the Rejection Reason window does not pop up automatically.
Research suggested that I use a UserDecisionHandler in the UWL instead. 
Our UWL devloper has done this and set it up so that the user has to enter a comment in a text box when they choose the Reject button.
The UserDecisionHandler is supposed to pass the comment text back to the workflow container int the _attach_object element.
The UWL is forcing an entry in the box on Reject, however there is no data passed back to the workflow.
I was wondering if anyone had encountered this before.
Thank you very much.
Ashley Butterfield 		 	   		  
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