ABAP Objects - Percent of WF'ers using ABAP OO? ( zip zilch nada ZERO people using ABAP OO with WF? )

Sample, Rick Rick.Sample at graybar.com
Thu Feb 24 11:15:39 EST 2011

Hey Wug'ers

Honestly, I really expected a few more results on WF folks using ABAP OO. I see so much potential for adding it to the skill sets. Even if you don't use full ABAP Objects, just using a simple Program Exit class ( in a very simple class even ) has been useful for me. Program Exits, you can catch internal Task events. Like, if someone Logically Deletes a WF, without it, it is just done. With something like zcl_CompleteProcess hung off the template, will still execute the code. Very useful for me. 

Humph! Interesting.  

Buehler... Buehler... anyone see Ferris Buehler? 


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