ABAP Objects - Percent of WF'ers using ABAP OO?

Sample, Rick Rick.Sample at graybar.com
Fri Feb 18 15:48:22 EST 2011

Hi all,

I scanned here and SDN WF blogs and I really don't see a whole lot of OO activity for WF. I am wondering if it is the learning curve, staffing, budget, lack of interest, or other. Since WF developers are about what ... 1 of 50 ABAP'ers, I would assume the ABAP OO to be orders of magnitude larger in number of posts. Just the opposite. 

Any numbers on what percent is using: 
sticking with 4.6c BOR, 
phasing in ABAP OO with WF for new projects and re-writes, (This is our plan so far. Not implementing full BPM tools etc.)
other BPM tools, 
something else? 

Any of this data available from SAP with regards to who and how many are moving to <what?> Recent blogs on this subject? etc. etc. 

As always, you may contact me directly. 

Rick Sample | SAP Workflow Analyst/Developer
Rick.Sample at Graybar.com 

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