Wait step using correlation - NEW!

Schmidt, Jake jake.schmidt at spiritaero.com
Wed Jan 20 18:01:06 EST 2010

Hey WUG,

I'm replying to a rather old WUG message but it is the latest around
correlations I could find.  I'm having trouble on both an ECC 5.0
SAPKB64018 and an ECC 6.0 SAPKB70103 box when trying to get a
correlation to work.  I can define my correlation in SWF_CRL1 (I hope
I'm defining it right can't test it yet).  I can add my wait step with
correlation following the instructions in OSS 1335009.  My problem
arises with the activation part via a process control step.  When you
select a PC step and set to function 9 Activate Correlation the "Name of
Event" field has no values other than local events.  I can type my
correlation name, base element, and a correlation instance (based on
CL_SWF_MOD_CORRELATION)...however I get an error because I lack an
event.  It seems buggy but maybe I'm doing something wrong...??

I'm trying to correlate a quality notification BUS2078 to tasks QMSM.
The key for BUS2078 is a partial key for QMSM.  I believe this qualifies
as something to use correlations for.  Below is the best WUG message
around correlations.  The SAP help is weak, the second edition of
Practical Workflow doesn't touch on correlations, I found 1 SDN power
point that wasn't helpful, OSS isn't helpful other than the note Ed
mentioned below.  Taking all that into account I'm curious how many
people use correlations or recommend them?

I'll provide more info as requested.

Thank you WUG
Jake Schmidt
Workflow Developer - Spirit Aerosystems


Edward Diehl edwarddiehl at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 28 12:49:10 EDT 2009

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Hi WUGgers,

Awhile back I asked if anyone out there had successfully implemented a
correlation wait step.  I didn't get any response, so either no one has
tried it or gave up when they did.

Let me encourage you to investigate the correlation mechanism - an event
mechanism on steroids.  In one of our workflows here we are using it to
"listen" for an inbound IDOC that applies a credit for a material
return.  The IDOC object instance cannot possibly be known at the time
the workflow is initiated - hence the need for a mechanism that uses
anecdotal information; i.e. the FI-AR document number, which is known to
the IDOC object as well as the workflow.

Well, it turns out there is a bug in the correlation mechanism.  It will
be fixed in OSS 1335009, which has not yet been released.  There is
however, a workaround I got from the SAP developer.  Please see the

First, create the correlation wait step and activate the workflow
template.  The correlation step will fail without doing the following as
outlined in the attachment:

1. Uncheck the "Use Correlation" box.
2. Using F4, select the object from the workflow container.  
3. Check the "Use Correlation" box and it will take you back to your
original correlation cofig.

That's it.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Ed Diehl

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