UWL- Extended Notifications

Simon, Tom Simon.Tom at aoins.com
Thu Feb 26 11:22:30 EST 2009

I noticed that the UWL scenario, UWL_Standard configuration that is
created when running program rswnuwlsel does not have a filtering
parameter set for it.  It appears to be using the workflow scenario
filtering parameters for tasks.  Also the workflow scenario for
subscriptions also appears to  be used when sending messages for the UWL
as there are no parameters set for UWL scenario and standard category.
The UWL filter just has an X in it for a parameter called 'Delta".
You can create your own scheule for UWL  but there is no delivery set up
for the standard category for UWL.  Does the UWL rely on the standard
configuration for the Workflow Scenario to select its tasks and deliver
them as extended notifications?
I have another questions regarding refresh in the UWL.  There are the
delta pull and full pull in system administration for uwl configuration.
How is this effected by the parameter that is in the defaultview for the
refresh parameter when defining the defautlview of the uwl.  In test we
currently have the deltal pull at 60 seconds and full pull at 1440
minutes.  Does the delta pull in UWL cache workitems but does not
display in UWL until refresh occurs based on the parameter in
defaultview?  How is swn+selsen related to the delta pull parameters in
UWL system admin configuration?
swn_selsen is running every minute.  The selection subscription is every
1 minutes.  Delivery 3 minutes for exended notifications
name="DefaultView" selectionMode="SINGLESELECT" width="98%"
supportedItemTypes="uwl.task" columnOrder="subject, isEscalated,
creatorId, createdDate, priority, attachmentCount, dueDate, status"
sortby="createdDate:desc, priority:desc, dueDate:desc"
tableDesign="STANDARD" visibleRowCount="10" headerVisible="no"
queryRange="undefined" tableNavigationFooterVisible="yes"
tableNavigationType="CUSTOMNAV" actionRef="" refresh="180"
dueDateSevere="86400000" dueDateWarning="259200000" emphasizedItems="new
I know I have alot of questions it just seems there is overlapping
configurations between UWL and Extended Notifications.
Thank you
Tom Simon
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