Extended notification authentication via portal

Mike Pokraka wug at workflowconnections.com
Wed Apr 8 06:13:36 EDT 2009

G'Day all,

This is slightly off base, but here goes:

We are using extended notifications to generate emails containing decision
hyperlinks. All is good, the users can make decisions from email and are
happy some of the time.

The problem is the authentication: If they are already logged on to the
portal, it uses the existing session and goes straight to complete the
decision. If however they have not logged on to the portal, the hyperlink
tries to connect to the NetWeaver ABAP system, NOT the portal.

Most users here only have a portal login and never log in anywhere with
SAPGUI. In other words they have a userid but no password on the ABAP
systems. Giving them SAPGUI access so they can maintain a second password
is not an option since that's a backward step. SSO is also unlikely to
happen in the near future.

Is it possible to get the decision link to launch via the portal? So far
the best alternative is to write a custom portal app to redirect to where
the current hyperlink points to, but that's just painful...

If anyone has any experiences I'd much appreciate hearing about it.


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