Prasad prasad861 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 16:14:40 EDT 2008

Hi All

We are using UWL to lauch workitem . Problem is with Createing AdHoc Request
for sub process.

AdHoc request is created and a task is added as a subprocess to Assignee.
When asignee completes the task and

clicks the Complete Task button it showing following error

Errors are :

Case 1: When AdHoc request is created by othere person and My Slef as
assignee and it is showing following error

Exception type:com.sap.netweaver.bc.uwl.connect.ConnectorException
Message:Tue Mar 18 11:28:31 PDT 2008
nested exception is: java.lang.IllegalStateException

 Unable to perform the request. Try again and *if* the problem
persists, inform your system administrator

Case2: When AdHoc Request created by me and Assigned to myself the following
errors are occured

The item is no longer valid.  Select another item or refresh the item
list view.

 Unable to perform the request. Try again and *if* the problem
persists, inform your system administrator

Do we need to configure any where

K.N.V .Prasad
Cell : 609-529-6954
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