2008 ASUG Annual Conference, Call For Speakers

Keohan, Susan keohan at ll.mit.edu
Tue Oct 16 10:27:34 EDT 2007

The Call for Speakers for the 2008 ASUG Annual Conference is now open.  If you have a success story to share, lessons learned from a recent project, or a lively debate from your SIG's discussion forum that could expand into a panel or round table, please consider submitting an abstract. Speaking at the ASUG Annual Conference is a great way to showcase your organization, as well as earn a complimentary registration to the conference. Prior to the conference, training on presentation skills, on writing the document and on public speaking, will be offered, so don't let a lack of public speaking experience hold you back. The 2008 Conference will be held in Orlando, Florida, May 4-7, 2008. The Call for Speakers will close at the end of November -- so don't delay - draft a presentation abstract today!

Some potential Hot Topics for Workflow and BPM include:

1) Guided Procedures - customer stories

2) Workflow and Web Scenarios

3) Bullet-Proof Workflows, a How-To

4) Workflow and CRM

5) Workflow and Upgrades

6) E-recuitment workflow scenarios
To submit an abstract for a presentation at the 2008 Annual Conference, please follow this link:
or feel free to contact me at Keohan at ll.mit.edu

Best regards,

Susan R. Keohan
SAP Workflow Developer
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street, LI-200
Lexington, MA.  02420
Ph:   781-981-3561
Fax: 781-981-1607
keohan at ll.mit.edu

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