Org Object type RY (Responsibility)

Hal Fairless Hal_Fairless-NR at
Tue May 29 11:12:38 EDT 2007

 I am working within a 4.7 environment and have several positions (S) 
defined which are associated with an Organization (O), a Job (C), several 
Users (US) and something called Responsibility (RY).  Each Position is 
assigned to a common Organization and a common Job, but each Position is 
then assigned to a unique Responsibility (RY).  I can see that within the 
Business Workflow => Organization Plan => Expert Mode => PP01 - General, 
their is a drop-down for the Responsibility object type, but when trying 
to Create the object via this transaction I am informed that 'Object type 
RY infotype 1000 cannot be  maintained via basic transaction'.  Can 
someone please direct me to the transaction where the RY object CAN be 
maintained so that I can create new positions?


Hal Fairless

Workflow Support and Development
Raytheon Missile Systems
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