Upgrade for ECC 6.0

Paul.Bakker@osr.treasury.qld.gov.au Paul.Bakker at osr.treasury.qld.gov.au
Tue Feb 20 18:15:06 EST 2007

Greg / WUGgers,

Our upgrade from 46C to ECC6.0 went surprisingly smoothly - for both
standard and custom workflows. The only issues we encountered were the

Problem: 'Old' workitems (created before the upgrade) can trigger a "Error
at point of synchronization" when they are processed
Solution: Implement OSS note 991585 before users are allowed onto the

Problem: Workorder workflows were not being triggered
Solution: the BADI 'WORKORDER_UPDATE' required manual adjustment and
Note: There is a new 'enhancement point' concept for BADIs.

Problem: workflows that use the obsolete BOR object 'ABSENCE' no longer
Solution: Implement OSS note 731260

Problem: a workflow doesn't trigger because a (custom) function group has a
syntax error.
ECC60 complains that executable statements in the TOP INCLUDE are 'NOT
Solution: Improve the custom code
Note: It seems that some syntax issues that were considered 'warnings' in
46C are now 'errors' in 60.

Problem: the new workflow log is hard to use
Solution: you can still revert back to the old one!

I'm sure there may be more - does anyone else have some war stories to

Paul B

|         |           "Levy, Greg"     |
|         |           <Greg_Levy at CINFIN|
|         |           .com>            |
|         |                            |
|         |           21/02/2007 04:17 |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                          |
  |       To:       <paul.bakker at osr.treasury.qld.gov.au>                                                                    |
  |       cc:       "Neumann, Marcia" <Marcia_Neumann at CINFIN.com>                                                            |
  |       Subject:  Upgrade for ECC 6.0                                                                                      |


Read your email about applying OSS note 991585 after upgrading to ECC 6.0.
Thanks for that info. Also, did you have any existing custom workflows that
you had to deal with after the upgrade? Did you experience any other issues
with either new or old workflows after the upgrade?


Gregory Levy

SAP Senior Technical Consultant

The G Levy Group, Inc

O 513 870-2300 X-4298

C 502 386-4788


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