Deadline monitoring in Shopping cart Item based approval SRM 5.00

Franck Manco fmanco at
Thu Nov 23 05:16:57 EST 2006

Hi all,
I'm trying to implement deadline monitoring to the
approval work item in the Shopping cart Item based
Approval WF.
I'm not able to make it work !!
I read that I should use the modelled deadline which I
I set up the latest start with the Work item creation
date as reference plus 1 DAY.
The Job SWWDHEX is running every 3 minutes.

My first issue is that when I display the work Item,
there's no sign of a latest start date.
When I execute SWI2_DEAD, there's no item selected.

Could anyone help me ?.

 Franck Manco
  Cel: 0032 (0)2 473 480403
  Tel: 0032 (0)2 652 3944


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