Calling a SOAP web service from SAP Business Workflow

MIT WUG mitwug at
Mon Nov 20 16:34:25 EST 2006

Hi Guys,

Is it possible to call a SOAP web service from SAP Business Workflow in 
release 700?  Note  946793 says that SOAP bindings are unsupported even in 
the latest support package 9 in transaction WFWS so I am assuming that they 
are unsupported unless you can define the web service directly in WF_EXTSRV. 
  Has anyone come up with any workarounds if they are unsupported other than 
developing the solution from scratch?  If I need to I will create a client 
proxy using the WSDL file and crete a method to execute the client proxy but 
this means I am not making use of any of the standard functionality.

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