Retrieving WF Agents from SWWUSERWI

Dale Brown dale.brown at
Mon Jan 30 13:30:40 EST 2006

Our worlfkow has been in place for a few months and now we want to identify
multiple forwarding agents.

On our task that calls the FIPP release method, when an agent backs out of
task without rejecting or releasing it, the workflow just recircs and puts
the work item
back in the orignal list of agents that were identified to complete this

However, one of the original agents, can forward the work item to other
agents. If one of these
forwarded agents just backs out of it, then it still recircs back to the
original list of agents.
We desire to keep the forwarded list of agents, once it has been forwarded.

I can write a method that will tell me the actual agent (one of the ones it
was forwarded to)
 that backed out of the work item, without releasing or rejecting it, but I
can not obtain the
rest of the forwarded agents. I was looking to go to the SWWUSERWI table,
but the work
item key changes before my new method step gets called.  A new work item is
and the prior work item is removed from SWWUSERWI .

Without a repair to SAP code, is there another way to capture all of the
forwarded agents?

Dale R. Brown
Duke University
OIT Application and Database Services
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