Central substitution management program (was: Usage of HRUS_D2 to maintain substitutes - still viable in SRM ?)

Mikko Mäki-Rahkola mikkomr at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 03:01:36 EDT 2006

Hi Susan, Jerry & others interested,

I don't know how far back it goes regarding versions, but I got a very nice
tip from a colleague that on was6.40 there's a program called
RMPS_SET_SUBSTITUTE which is an admin tool for maintaining substitutes. It
works in the same way as the substitution management in SBWP but you can run
it in SE38 for any user.

Compared to dialogging HRUS_D2 you only get a single user view with the
tool, so direct HRUS_D2 maintenance works better for mass updates. But at
least in our case there hasn't been a need to do a maintenance dialog for
table HRUS_D2 after taking this into use.

Best regards,
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