Workflow Substitutes - A210 vs HRUS_D2

jerry martinek jerry.martinek at
Thu Oct 27 16:24:24 EDT 2005


I'm implementing a number of new workflows(in a 46C system) in an organization that is new to workflow. One of the administrative activities that needs to be done is to  implement a process (manual and system) to deal with planned and unplanned absences. 

The client wants to keep it simple so we're planning to build a custom frontend transaction for defining workflow substitutes. The idea is that it can be used by either the designated approver or someone in the organization responsible for defining substitutes. They also want to be able to report on active worfkflow substitutes.

My question is what is the preferred or most commonly used/recommended approach? Do you use the A210 relationship option or workflow substitute (HRUS_D2) option?


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