Mixing BOR objects and OO Classes in WF

Mike Pokraka wug.replies at workflowconnections.com
Mon Dec 5 01:56:50 EST 2005

Hi folks,

It seems to me that one of the stumbling blocks to plunging head first
into OO classes for use in workflow is the interoperability between the
two technologies, at least that's what's keeping me only occasionally
dipping my feet into it here and there - especially on my current 620

I'm talking about being able to do things like
or conversely, being able to create a class-type attribute to a BOR object:

There's the option of creating wrapper classes for any BOR objects, but
that's too much work. Or has anyone come up with any ideas or workarounds?
Thanks to Jocelyn's handy hints, I've got a far better grip how/where to
use supply methods and such so it plays nicely with WF in 6.20, but mixing
BOR into it still seems impossibly painful.

At the risk of sounding backwards, one might say that by creating classes
we lose all the nice OO functionality we have with BOR Objects :-)

Any thoughts?


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