EBP 4.0 - SC N-Step Approvals and Approval Limit Values

Martinek, Jerry Jerry.Martinek at icbc.com
Mon May 31 14:32:50 EDT 2004

Can someone please confirm that the 'Approval Limit' value doesn't seem to
play a role in checking/restricting the approval of a shopping cart if its
value exceeds the approvers 'Approval Limit' value.
If the task's (TS10008126) list of possible agents includes approvers with
different approval limit values (ie. 100K, 250K, 500K, etc..), the system
doesn't seem to stop you from overriding the system derived approver for a
500K approval step with one that doesn't have that amount and then the
system at time of approval assumes that they must be authorized since they
got the work item.
In R3, when you specify various values for the authorization object fields,
the system seems to enforce these at execution time. I guess that the
'Approval Limit' value doesn't work that way.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Jerry Martinek

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