New Workflow Book and a round of virtual applause

Rickayzen, Alan alan.rickayzen at
Tue May 18 12:17:25 EDT 2004

Dear experts,
Just to say that I've just laid my hands on a new workflow book.
I have not had a chance too read it yet but I do know that at least one of the authors is an experienced consultant with happy customers.
Here are the details:
"Workflow Management with SAP WebFlow"
by Andrew N. Fletcher, Markus Brahm, Professor Hergen Pargmann:
published by Springer-Verlag ISBN 3-540-43991-9
Aha, I've just flipped the book open randomly and landed on a description of the one-only  MIT WUG listerver .
It reads
        "If you join you should be prepared to receive
        20-30 e-mails/day but the level of technical details
        and the quality of the questions and answers are very
        high so that a serious benefit can be gained by being involved"
So everyone reading this deserves a very big pat on the back!
More than 500 hundred pats coming your way and a bonus of 20 for Sue for keeping it rolling so smoothly,
Alan Rickayzen

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