Your thoughts are needed for a Workload Analysis Question

Rivera, Raul Raul.Rivera at
Thu May 13 21:24:24 EDT 2004

Running the Workload analysis (TX SWI5) and selecting the 'To be processed
by' radio button will generate a report of work items that must be processed
by the members of the organizational entity (or Workload analysis for the
future in the WF book). The list of work items is grouped according to
actual agents and tasks. At the end of the list, the work items for which no
actual user exists are displayed under the header 'Not reserved by an
If agent1 forwards a work item to agent2, the work item is sent to agent2's
inbox and removes the work items from all other recipients inbox. This means
that only agent2 has visibility and access to the forwarded item.
We just found out that forwarded work items that that have not been actioned
and whose item status is "Ready' get included under the 'Not reserved by an
agent' category of the report.
Please provide your inputs on the following:
1. Forwarded items that are in Ready status, in my perspective, should not
fall under the 'Not reserved by an agent' category because the work item is
technically reserved by the recipient agent. Rather, these items should be
included under the recipient agent's name of the report.
2. If this is so, is this an OSS candidate?
Thanks everyone.
Raul Rivera

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