Dynamic Columns in 45B - Standard setup for all users

Becker, Stephan stephan_becker.ext at siemens.com
Tue Jul 13 07:52:40 EDT 2004

Enter the dynamic column configuration in customizing with "*" for the user,
and customize a /DEFAULT inbox display variant in the workplace.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Olaf @ Spring [mailto:tom.olaf at spring.no]
Sent: martes, 13 de julio de 2004 13:48
Subject: Dynamic Columns in 45B - Standard setup for all users
I want to add some dynamic columns for a specific standard task in the
inbox. Is there a way to have a configuration with dynamic columns set as
default for all users or must every user perform the configuration? In 46C
this can be done with standard display variant of the listviewer.
Tom Bakke

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