Availability of Listserv

Sue Keohan keohan at ll.mit.edu
Tue Dec 7 20:17:06 EST 2004

Hello all,
MIT will be discontinuiing support for Listserv, and I have been advised
if we want to continue this list, that we should prepare to migrate to
What does this mean to you ?  For a short period of time, Listserv will
be locked while it's settings are copied to a new Mailman list.  Then I
will notify you to please start sending your questions and answers to
the new mail address.  Any messages sent to the old address
(SAP-WUG at MITVMA.MIT.EDU) will automatically be forwarded to our new
Mailman list.  After a while, the tech folks will also archive the
SAP-WUG messages into Mailman format, and SAP-WUG (in it's Listserv
form) will go away.  (sob)
I have been assured that Mailman (and the transition to it) will be very
gentle on you.  There is web-based subscription management (yay!) and a
web-based search capability through MIT's web site.  Please feel free to
make yourself familiar with Mailman by visiting...
In the meantime, while out Listserv settings are being migrated to
Mailman, you may find that certain subscription options (such as Sign
Off) are unavailable.  Newcomers may not be able to subscribe (if you
know someone encountering a problem, please refer them to me).  This
should only last a day or so.  Please be patient.
So, what is our 'new name' likely to be ?  Personally, I hope for
SAP-WUG at mit.edu, but perhaps you all have better ideas.
Anyhow, please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns.  As
always, I am grateful to all of you who make this list so educational
and so much fun.

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