EBP Confirmation Workfllow

Nicholas Brand nicholas.n.brand at uk.ibm.com
Tue Apr 27 16:48:55 EDT 2004

I'm creating a custom confirmation approval workflow in EBP that must only
be started if the confirmation is against a limit order and not a shopping
basket. At this client shopping baskets are already automatically approved
using the standard auto-approval workflow - I won't explain why!
For the start conditions of the custom workflow I need to create a custom
attribute flag against BUS2203 that indicates when the confirmation is
against a limit order.
I can use the function module BBP_PD_SC_GETDETAIL and examine the output
table 'e_item', the field ITM_TYPE equals 'LIMI' for limit orders.
However this function module uses the limit order number as its input. So
if I'm going to use this function module I need to find the limit order
given the confirmation number of the BUS2203 business object instance.
Any ideas or function modules that would provide me with the limit order
number given the confirmation number?
If you've done this sort of thing in an alternative way I'd also be
Kind regards,

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