Return parameters in the container via Execute report wizard

Mark Pyc Mark.Pyc at
Fri Oct 10 04:00:34 EDT 2003

What are you hoping to return from a report?
I take it that there is user input within the report? So it is actually a
list based transaction rather than simple output?
You could wrap the report up in a function module or use techniques like
passing via memory. Either way you would need to code your own method and
task rather than use the Wizard as any solution would be custom.
Have fun,
Swam_in <swam_in at>
Sent by: SAP Workflow <Owner-SAP-WUG at MITVMA.MIT.EDU>
10/10/2003 06:24
Please respond to SAP Workflow Users' Group
        To:     SAP-WUG at MITVMA.MIT.EDU
        Subject:        Return parameters in the container via Execute report wizard
Hello All,
I am using Workflow wizard to create 'Execute report'. I am trying to
receive some return parameters from the report.
But the closest that I could get is list output from the 'Report' object
type. Is it possible to receive container elements from the
report back into the workflow ?
Swami Bala

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