Transporting Starting Conditions (4.6c)

Thad Gorbal Thaddeus.Gorbal at
Fri Apr 25 11:11:23 EDT 2003

Hi All:
Perhaps someone can tell what I am doing wrong. I have created a starting
condition in 4.6c.  The condition works correctly in the dev system but I
have difficulties in transporting it to QA.
When I make a change to the condition, I get a message that the change was
accepted and table link updated.
However my attempts to create a transport request for it have failed. While
on SWB_COND screen I click on 'Extras' and then 'Transport', but do not get
link to transport organizer, no message whatsoever. If I go again to
'Extras' and click on 'Transport' I get the following message: 'There are
no changes relevant for transport' .
I have searched through archives in LISTSERV and OSS notes. Found notes
316610, 350026, 434938. The problems described there are different, I have
not even gotten that far in my transport attempt.
Thanks in advance,

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