Displaying Multiline Elements in e-mails

Jim Gillett jim_gillett at rac.ray.com
Thu May 9 17:01:36 EDT 2002

We researched this problem on a 45B workflow and did not find an OSS =
note to fix.  Using a multiline attribute of an object type in a =
SELFITEM task description expression does not work.  The code behind =
SELFITEM does not properly flag it as multiline when building the email =
text.    =20
A work around is to define a multiline container element for the task =
using SELFITEM - SENDTASKDESCRIPTION.  Use this for the expression in =
your task description with the ##.  You will also need to bind the =
object attribute to your container element. =20
Hope this solves your problem.=20
___________      =20
Jim Gillett
Raytheon Aircraft Company
-----Original Message-----
From: Edwin Mukusha [mailto:emukusha at uneb.edu]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 8:42 AM
Subject: Displaying Multiline Elements in e-mails
Hello fellow WFs,
Does anyone know of any OSS Notes that will allow all the line entries =
multiline elements to be displayed in e-mails.
When inserting variable in a message (using SELFITEM - =
using the SAP text editor:
All I am getting is the first line of the container element regardless =
which option I choose: whether I choose to have (&element##&)  the =
listed separately on an individual line or listed (&element[]&) in =
one after another with a space in between them.
I have searched on OSS and cannot seem to find the any note specifically
solving this problem that I am experiencing.
We are currently running 45B.
Thanks in advance.
Edwin Mukusha
Phone: (402) 472-7756

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