Customized grouping of workitems

Tom Bakke tom.olaf at
Thu Mar 21 09:07:20 EST 2002

We have upgraded from 3.1 to 4.6c. In the 3.1 versjon the users created several personal "inboxes" based on filtering of the workitem text which could differ for workitems of the same task. They would like to have the same functionality in 4.6c.
I have looked at dynamic columns and I am able to get a column in the inbox with the variable part of the workitem text. I am however struggling with options for grouping. I know it is possible to set a filter, but that would only display some of the workitems. Is there a way to create a sort of grouping of workitems even if they are created from the same task? (subfolders would be ideal but that is probably not possible).
Another question: In the main workflow inbox the number of workitems is displayed in the heading. Is it possible to get the number of workitems in f.ex. the folder "grouped according to task".
Tom Bakke

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